add homepage
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.fixed-top{top:0}.fixed-bottom,.fixed-top{position:fixed;right:0;left:0;z-index:1030}.fixed-bottom{bottom:0}@supports ((position:-webkit-sticky) or (position:sticky)){.sticky-top{position:-webkit-sticky;position:sticky;top:0;z-index:1020}}.sr-only{position:absolute;width:1px;height:1px;padding:0;overflow:hidden;clip:rect(0,0,0,0);white-space:nowrap;border:0}.sr-only-focusable:active,.sr-only-focusable:focus{position:static;width:auto;height:auto;overflow:visible;clip:auto;white-space:normal}.shadow-sm{box-shadow:0 .125rem .25rem rgba(0,0,0,.075)!important}.shadow{box-shadow:0 .5rem 1rem rgba(0,0,0,.15)!important}.shadow-lg{box-shadow:0 1rem 3rem rgba(0,0,0,.175)!important}.shadow-none{box-shadow:none!important}.w-25{width:25%!important}
body {
background-color: #f2f4f7;
.iots-pannel {
width: 100%;
background-color: transparent;
border: none;
margin-top : 50px;
@media(max-width:592px) {
.iots-body {
margin-top: 45px;
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@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
.simple-slider .swiper-slide {
height: auto;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-size: cover;
background-position: center;
margin-top: 84px;
.swiper-container {
width: auto;
max-width: 1500px;
.simple-slider .swiper-button-next, .simple-slider .swiper-button-prev {
width: 50px;
margin-left: 20px;
margin-right: 20px;
@media (max-width:1500px) {
.simple-slider .swiper-slide {
margin-top: 70px;
@media (max-width:767px) {
.simple-slider .swiper-button-next, .simple-slider .swiper-button-prev {
display: none;
@media (max-width:767px) {
.simple-slider .swiper-slide {
height: 270px;
margin-top: 50px;
.special-skill-item.border-0 {
box-shadow: 10px 5px 5px lightgray;
| {
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@ -0,0 +1,233 @@
body {
background: #f2f4f7;
-webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch;
.st_org.card-body {
background: lightgray;
.row.st_org img {
max-height: 260px;
@media (max-width: 400px) {
.navbar-brand.logo {
font-size: 1.3rem;
.portfolio-block .heading h2 {
font-size: 1.9rem;
.page-footer {
background: #44475a;
.page-footer a:hover {
color: skyblue;
.page-footer a {
color: white;
text-decoration: underline;
.portfolio-block.ccis {
padding-top: 45px;
padding-bottom: 0px;
.vlc {
margin-top: 70px;
margin-bottom: 70px;
.organization {
margin-top: 100px;
.container img {
width: 100%;
transition: width 1s;
-webkit-transition: all .2s ease-out;
-moz-transition: all .2s ease-out;
-ms-transition: all .2s ease-out;
transition: all .2s ease-out;
.godopu_description {
padding-top: 60px;
.float {
position: fixed;
width: 80px;
height: 80px;
bottom: 50px;
right: 50px;
background-color: lightcoral;
color: #FFF;
border-radius: 50px;
text-align: center;
padding-top: 14px;
font-size: 50px;
box-shadow: 2px 2px 3px #999;
.float:hover {
background: lightblue;
@media (max-width: 1200px) and (min-width:992px) {
.research-area.card-body {
height: 332.8px;
@media (max-width: 992px) and (min-width:768px) {
.research-area.card-body {
height: 480px;
@media (max-width: 800px) {
.float {
bottom: 23px;
right: 23px;
padding-top: 10px;
width: 60px;
height: 60px;
font-size: 35px;
.gcontainer {
max-width: 1140px;
display: flex;
margin-right: auto;
margin-left: auto;
padding-left: 10px;
font-size: 1.3rem;
.gcontainer .card-img-top {
display: flex;
position: absolute;
margin-top: auto;
margin-bottom: auto;
vertical-align: middle;
width: calc(100% - 40px);
top: 0;
bottom: 0;
justify-content: center;
.gcontainer .card-img-top img{
width : 100%;
@media (max-width: 1200px) and (min-width:768px) {
.gcontainer {
width: 965px;
font-size: 1rem;
@media (max-width: 767px) {
.gcontainer {
max-width: 630px;
padding : 10px;
display: inline-block;
text-align: center;
@media (max-width: 767px) {
.godopu_description {
padding-top: 10px;
text-align: center;
padding-bottom: 10px;
position: relative;
top: auto;
bottom: auto;
font-size: 1.2rem;
@media (max-width: 767px) {
.gcontainer .col-sm-6 {
width: 100%;
padding : 0px;
position: relative;
max-width: 100%;
flex: inherit;
@media (max-width: 767px) {
.gcontainer .card-img-top {
position: relative;
width: calc(100% - 20px);
transition: transform .5s ease;
border : none;
box-shadow: 3px 3px 11px rgba(33,33,33,.2);
transform: scale(1.07);
display : none;
width : 100%;
height : calc(100% - 60px);
position : fixed;
margin-top : 62px;
border : none;
-webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch;
overflow-y: auto;
border : none;
.iots-frame-holder iframe{
width: 100%;
border: none;
@media(min-width:592px) {
.iots-frame-holder {
display : none;
width : 100%;
height : calc(100% - 80px);
position : fixed;
margin-top : 83px;
.iots-frame-holder iframe{
width: 100%;
@media(max-width:592px) {
.iots-frame-holder iframe{
-webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch;
overflow-y : scroll;
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* Remodal - v1.1.1
* Responsive, lightweight, fast, synchronized with CSS animations, fully customizable modal window plugin with declarative configuration and hash tracking.
* Made by Ilya Makarov
* Under MIT License
/* ==========================================================================
Remodal's default mobile first theme
========================================================================== */
/* Default theme styles for the background */
.remodal-bg.remodal-is-opening, .remodal-bg.remodal-is-opened {
-webkit-filter: blur(3px);
filter: blur(3px);
/* Default theme styles of the overlay */
.remodal-overlay {
background: rgba(43, 46, 56, 0.9);
.remodal-overlay.remodal-is-opening, .remodal-overlay.remodal-is-closing {
-webkit-animation-duration: 0.3s;
animation-duration: 0.3s;
-webkit-animation-fill-mode: forwards;
animation-fill-mode: forwards;
.remodal-overlay.remodal-is-opening {
-webkit-animation-name: remodal-overlay-opening-keyframes;
animation-name: remodal-overlay-opening-keyframes;
.remodal-overlay.remodal-is-closing {
-webkit-animation-name: remodal-overlay-closing-keyframes;
animation-name: remodal-overlay-closing-keyframes;
/* Default theme styles of the wrapper */
.remodal-wrapper {
padding: 10px 10px 0;
/* Default theme styles of the modal dialog */
.remodal {
box-sizing: border-box;
width: 100%;
margin-bottom: 10px;
padding: 35px;
-webkit-transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0);
transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0);
color: #2b2e38;
background: #f2f4f7;
.remodal.remodal-is-opening, .remodal.remodal-is-closing {
-webkit-animation-duration: 0.3s;
animation-duration: 0.3s;
-webkit-animation-fill-mode: forwards;
animation-fill-mode: forwards;
.remodal.remodal-is-opening {
-webkit-animation-name: remodal-opening-keyframes;
animation-name: remodal-opening-keyframes;
.remodal.remodal-is-closing {
-webkit-animation-name: remodal-closing-keyframes;
animation-name: remodal-closing-keyframes;
/* Vertical align of the modal dialog */
.remodal, .remodal-wrapper:after {
vertical-align: middle;
/* Close button */
.remodal-close {
position: absolute;
top: 0;
left: 0;
display: block;
overflow: visible;
width: 35px;
height: 35px;
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
cursor: pointer;
-webkit-transition: color 0.2s;
transition: color 0.2s;
text-decoration: none;
color: #95979c;
border: 0;
outline: 0;
background: transparent;
.remodal-close:hover, .remodal-close:focus {
color: #2b2e38;
.remodal-close:before {
font-family: Arial, "Helvetica CY", "Nimbus Sans L", sans-serif !important;
font-size: 25px;
line-height: 35px;
position: absolute;
top: 0;
left: 0;
display: block;
width: 35px;
content: "\00d7";
text-align: center;
/* Dialog buttons */
.remodal-confirm, .remodal-cancel {
font: inherit;
font-size: 20px;
display: inline-block;
overflow: visible;
min-width: 150px;
margin: 0;
padding: 12px 0;
cursor: pointer;
-webkit-transition: background 0.2s;
transition: background 0.2s;
text-align: center;
vertical-align: middle;
text-decoration: none;
border: 0;
border-radius: 25px;
outline: 0;
.remodal-confirm {
color: #fff;
background: #81c784;
width: 40%;
.remodal-confirm:hover, .remodal-confirm:focus {
background: #66bb6a;
.remodal-cancel {
color: #fff;
background: #e57373;
.remodal-cancel:hover, .remodal-cancel:focus {
background: #ef5350;
/* Remove inner padding and border in Firefox 4+ for the button tag. */
.remodal-confirm::-moz-focus-inner, .remodal-cancel::-moz-focus-inner, .remodal-close::-moz-focus-inner {
padding: 0;
border: 0;
/* Keyframes
========================================================================== */
@keyframes remodal-opening-keyframes {
from {
-webkit-transform: scale(1.05);
transform: scale(1.05);
opacity: 0;
to {
-webkit-transform: none;
transform: none;
opacity: 1;
-webkit-filter: blur(0);
filter: blur(0);
@keyframes remodal-closing-keyframes {
from {
-webkit-transform: scale(1);
transform: scale(1);
opacity: 1;
to {
-webkit-transform: scale(0.95);
transform: scale(0.95);
opacity: 0;
-webkit-filter: blur(0);
filter: blur(0);
@keyframes remodal-overlay-opening-keyframes {
from {
opacity: 0;
to {
opacity: 1;
@keyframes remodal-overlay-closing-keyframes {
from {
opacity: 1;
to {
opacity: 0;
/* Media queries
========================================================================== */
@media only screen and (min-width: 641px) {
.remodal {
max-width: 700px;
/* IE8
========================================================================== */
.lt-ie9 .remodal-overlay {
background: #2b2e38;
.lt-ie9 .remodal {
width: 700px;
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* Remodal - v1.1.1
* Responsive, lightweight, fast, synchronized with CSS animations, fully customizable modal window plugin with declarative configuration and hash tracking.
* Made by Ilya Makarov
* Under MIT License
/* ==========================================================================
Remodal's necessary styles
========================================================================== */
/* Hide scroll bar */
html.remodal-is-locked {
overflow: hidden;
/* Anti FOUC */
.remodal, [data-remodal-id] {
display: none;
/* Necessary styles of the overlay */
.remodal-overlay {
position: fixed;
z-index: 9999;
top: -5000px;
right: -5000px;
bottom: -5000px;
left: -5000px;
display: none;
/* Necessary styles of the wrapper */
.remodal-wrapper {
position: fixed;
z-index: 10000;
top: 0;
right: 0;
bottom: 0;
left: 0;
display: none;
overflow: auto;
text-align: center;
-webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch;
.remodal-wrapper:after {
display: inline-block;
height: 100%;
margin-left: -0.05em;
content: "";
/* Fix iPad, iPhone glitches */
.remodal-overlay, .remodal-wrapper {
-webkit-backface-visibility: hidden;
backface-visibility: hidden;
/* Necessary styles of the modal dialog */
.remodal {
position: relative;
outline: none;
-webkit-text-size-adjust: 100%;
-ms-text-size-adjust: 100%;
text-size-adjust: 100%;
.remodal-is-initialized {
display: inline-block;
.remodal-bg.with-red-theme.remodal-is-opening, .remodal-bg.with-red-theme.remodal-is-opened {
filter: none;
.remodal-overlay.with-red-theme {
background-color: #f44336;
.remodal.with-red-theme {
background: #fff;
#profile_img {
border-radius: 15%;
width: 160px;
.portfolio-laptop-mockup .screen {
border-width: 0px;
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@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
let mySwiper;
let delay = 5000;
function autoNext(){
setTimeout(autoNext, delay);
mySwiper = new Swiper ('.swiper-container', {
loop: true,
pagination: '.swiper-pagination',
paginationClickable: true,
nextButton: '.swiper-button-next',
prevButton: '.swiper-button-prev',
setTimeout(autoNext, delay);
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@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
// $(document).on('opening', '.remodal', function () {
// console.log('opening');
// });
// $(document).on('opened', '.remodal', function () {
// console.log('opened');
// });
// $(document).on('closing', '.remodal', function (e) {
// console.log('closing' + (e.reason ? ', reason: ' + e.reason : ''));
// });
// $(document).on('closed', '.remodal', function (e) {
// console.log('closed' + (e.reason ? ', reason: ' + e.reason : ''));
// });
// $(document).on('confirmation', '.remodal', function () {
// console.log('confirmation');
// console.log('godopu');
// });
// $(document).on('cancellation', '.remodal', function () {
// alert("godopu");
// });
$(document).on('click', '.remodal-cancel', function () {
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* Remodal - v1.1.1
* Responsive, lightweight, fast, synchronized with CSS animations, fully customizable modal window plugin with declarative configuration and hash tracking.
* Made by Ilya Makarov
* Under MIT License
!(function(root, factory) {
if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
define(['jquery'], function($) {
return factory(root, $);
} else if (typeof exports === 'object') {
factory(root, require('jquery'));
} else {
factory(root, root.jQuery || root.Zepto);
})(this, function(global, $) {
'use strict';
* Name of the plugin
* @private
* @const
* @type {String}
var PLUGIN_NAME = 'remodal';
* Namespace for CSS and events
* @private
* @const
* @type {String}
* Animationstart event with vendor prefixes
* @private
* @const
* @type {String}
['animationstart', 'webkitAnimationStart', 'MSAnimationStart', 'oAnimationStart'],
function(eventName) {
return eventName + '.' + NAMESPACE;
).join(' ');
* Animationend event with vendor prefixes
* @private
* @const
* @type {String}
['animationend', 'webkitAnimationEnd', 'MSAnimationEnd', 'oAnimationEnd'],
function(eventName) {
return eventName + '.' + NAMESPACE;
).join(' ');
* Default settings
* @private
* @const
* @type {Object}
var DEFAULTS = $.extend({
hashTracking: true,
closeOnConfirm: true,
closeOnCancel: true,
closeOnEscape: true,
closeOnOutsideClick: true,
modifier: '',
appendTo: null
* States of the Remodal
* @private
* @const
* @enum {String}
var STATES = {
CLOSING: 'closing',
CLOSED: 'closed',
OPENING: 'opening',
OPENED: 'opened'
* Reasons of the state change.
* @private
* @const
* @enum {String}
CONFIRMATION: 'confirmation',
CANCELLATION: 'cancellation'
* Is animation supported?
* @private
* @const
* @type {Boolean}
var IS_ANIMATION = (function() {
var style = document.createElement('div').style;
return style.animationName !== undefined ||
style.WebkitAnimationName !== undefined ||
style.MozAnimationName !== undefined ||
style.msAnimationName !== undefined ||
style.OAnimationName !== undefined;
* Is iOS?
* @private
* @const
* @type {Boolean}
var IS_IOS = /iPad|iPhone|iPod/.test(navigator.platform);
* Current modal
* @private
* @type {Remodal}
var current;
* Scrollbar position
* @private
* @type {Number}
var scrollTop;
* Returns an animation duration
* @private
* @param {jQuery} $elem
* @returns {Number}
function getAnimationDuration($elem) {
if (
$elem.css('animation-name') === 'none' &&
$elem.css('-webkit-animation-name') === 'none' &&
$elem.css('-moz-animation-name') === 'none' &&
$elem.css('-o-animation-name') === 'none' &&
$elem.css('-ms-animation-name') === 'none'
) {
return 0;
var duration = $elem.css('animation-duration') ||
$elem.css('-webkit-animation-duration') ||
$elem.css('-moz-animation-duration') ||
$elem.css('-o-animation-duration') ||
$elem.css('-ms-animation-duration') ||
var delay = $elem.css('animation-delay') ||
$elem.css('-webkit-animation-delay') ||
$elem.css('-moz-animation-delay') ||
$elem.css('-o-animation-delay') ||
$elem.css('-ms-animation-delay') ||
var iterationCount = $elem.css('animation-iteration-count') ||
$elem.css('-webkit-animation-iteration-count') ||
$elem.css('-moz-animation-iteration-count') ||
$elem.css('-o-animation-iteration-count') ||
$elem.css('-ms-animation-iteration-count') ||
var max;
var len;
var num;
var i;
duration = duration.split(', ');
delay = delay.split(', ');
iterationCount = iterationCount.split(', ');
// The 'duration' size is the same as the 'delay' size
for (i = 0, len = duration.length, max = Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; i < len; i++) {
num = parseFloat(duration[i]) * parseInt(iterationCount[i], 10) + parseFloat(delay[i]);
if (num > max) {
max = num;
return max;
* Returns a scrollbar width
* @private
* @returns {Number}
function getScrollbarWidth() {
if ($(document).height() <= $(window).height()) {
return 0;
var outer = document.createElement('div');
var inner = document.createElement('div');
var widthNoScroll;
var widthWithScroll;
| = 'hidden';
| = '100px';
widthNoScroll = outer.offsetWidth;
// Force scrollbars
| = 'scroll';
// Add inner div
| = '100%';
widthWithScroll = inner.offsetWidth;
// Remove divs
return widthNoScroll - widthWithScroll;
* Locks the screen
* @private
function lockScreen() {
if (IS_IOS) {
var $html = $('html');
var lockedClass = namespacify('is-locked');
var paddingRight;
var $body;
if (!$html.hasClass(lockedClass)) {
$body = $(document.body);
// Zepto does not support '-=', '+=' in the `css` method
paddingRight = parseInt($body.css('padding-right'), 10) + getScrollbarWidth();
$body.css('padding-right', paddingRight + 'px');
* Unlocks the screen
* @private
function unlockScreen() {
if (IS_IOS) {
var $html = $('html');
var lockedClass = namespacify('is-locked');
var paddingRight;
var $body;
if ($html.hasClass(lockedClass)) {
$body = $(document.body);
// Zepto does not support '-=', '+=' in the `css` method
paddingRight = parseInt($body.css('padding-right'), 10) - getScrollbarWidth();
$body.css('padding-right', paddingRight + 'px');
* Sets a state for an instance
* @private
* @param {Remodal} instance
* @param {STATES} state
* @param {Boolean} isSilent If true, Remodal does not trigger events
* @param {String} Reason of a state change.
function setState(instance, state, isSilent, reason) {
var newState = namespacify('is', state);
var allStates = [namespacify('is', STATES.CLOSING),
namespacify('is', STATES.OPENING),
namespacify('is', STATES.CLOSED),
namespacify('is', STATES.OPENED)].join(' ');
instance.state = state;
!isSilent && instance.$modal.trigger({
type: state,
reason: reason
}, [{ reason: reason }]);
* Synchronizes with the animation
* @param {Function} doBeforeAnimation
* @param {Function} doAfterAnimation
* @param {Remodal} instance
function syncWithAnimation(doBeforeAnimation, doAfterAnimation, instance) {
var runningAnimationsCount = 0;
var handleAnimationStart = function(e) {
if ( !== this) {
var handleAnimationEnd = function(e) {
if ( !== this) {
if (--runningAnimationsCount === 0) {
// Remove event listeners
$.each(['$bg', '$overlay', '$wrapper', '$modal'], function(index, elemName) {
$.each(['$bg', '$overlay', '$wrapper', '$modal'], function(index, elemName) {
.on(ANIMATIONSTART_EVENTS, handleAnimationStart)
.on(ANIMATIONEND_EVENTS, handleAnimationEnd);
// If the animation is not supported by a browser or its duration is 0
if (
getAnimationDuration(instance.$bg) === 0 &&
getAnimationDuration(instance.$overlay) === 0 &&
getAnimationDuration(instance.$wrapper) === 0 &&
getAnimationDuration(instance.$modal) === 0
) {
// Remove event listeners
$.each(['$bg', '$overlay', '$wrapper', '$modal'], function(index, elemName) {
* Closes immediately
* @private
* @param {Remodal} instance
function halt(instance) {
if (instance.state === STATES.CLOSED) {
$.each(['$bg', '$overlay', '$wrapper', '$modal'], function(index, elemName) {
setState(instance, STATES.CLOSED, true);
* Parses a string with options
* @private
* @param str
* @returns {Object}
function parseOptions(str) {
var obj = {};
var arr;
var len;
var val;
var i;
// Remove spaces before and after delimiters
str = str.replace(/\s*:\s*/g, ':').replace(/\s*,\s*/g, ',');
// Parse a string
arr = str.split(',');
for (i = 0, len = arr.length; i < len; i++) {
arr[i] = arr[i].split(':');
val = arr[i][1];
// Convert a string value if it is like a boolean
if (typeof val === 'string' || val instanceof String) {
val = val === 'true' || (val === 'false' ? false : val);
// Convert a string value if it is like a number
if (typeof val === 'string' || val instanceof String) {
val = !isNaN(val) ? +val : val;
obj[arr[i][0]] = val;
return obj;
* Generates a string separated by dashes and prefixed with NAMESPACE
* @private
* @param {...String}
* @returns {String}
function namespacify() {
var result = NAMESPACE;
for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; ++i) {
result += '-' + arguments[i];
return result;
* Handles the hashchange event
* @private
* @listens hashchange
function handleHashChangeEvent() {
var id = location.hash.replace('#', '');
var instance;
var $elem;
if (!id) {
// Check if we have currently opened modal and animation was completed
if (current && current.state === STATES.OPENED && current.settings.hashTracking) {
} else {
// Catch syntax error if your hash is bad
try {
$elem = $(
'[data-' + PLUGIN_NAME + '-id="' + id + '"]'
} catch (err) {}
if ($elem && $elem.length) {
instance = $[PLUGIN_NAME].lookup[$];
if (instance && instance.settings.hashTracking) {
* Remodal constructor
* @constructor
* @param {jQuery} $modal
* @param {Object} options
function Remodal($modal, options) {
var $body = $(document.body);
var $appendTo = $body;
var remodal = this;
remodal.settings = $.extend({}, DEFAULTS, options);
remodal.index = $[PLUGIN_NAME].lookup.push(remodal) - 1;
remodal.state = STATES.CLOSED;
remodal.$overlay = $('.' + namespacify('overlay'));
if (remodal.settings.appendTo !== null && remodal.settings.appendTo.length) {
$appendTo = $(remodal.settings.appendTo);
if (!remodal.$overlay.length) {
remodal.$overlay = $('<div>').addClass(namespacify('overlay') + ' ' + namespacify('is', STATES.CLOSED)).hide();
remodal.$bg = $('.' + namespacify('bg')).addClass(namespacify('is', STATES.CLOSED));
remodal.$modal = $modal
namespacify('is-initialized') + ' ' +
remodal.settings.modifier + ' ' +
namespacify('is', STATES.CLOSED))
.attr('tabindex', '-1');
remodal.$wrapper = $('<div>')
namespacify('wrapper') + ' ' +
remodal.settings.modifier + ' ' +
namespacify('is', STATES.CLOSED))
// Add the event listener for the close button
remodal.$wrapper.on('click.' + NAMESPACE, '[data-' + PLUGIN_NAME + '-action="close"]', function(e) {
// Add the event listener for the cancel button
remodal.$wrapper.on('click.' + NAMESPACE, '[data-' + PLUGIN_NAME + '-action="cancel"]', function(e) {
if (remodal.settings.closeOnCancel) {
// Add the event listener for the confirm button
remodal.$wrapper.on('click.' + NAMESPACE, '[data-' + PLUGIN_NAME + '-action="confirm"]', function(e) {
if (remodal.settings.closeOnConfirm) {
// Add the event listener for the overlay
remodal.$wrapper.on('click.' + NAMESPACE, function(e) {
var $target = $(;
if (!$target.hasClass(namespacify('wrapper'))) {
if (remodal.settings.closeOnOutsideClick) {
* Opens a modal window
* @public
| = function() {
var remodal = this;
var id;
// Check if the animation was completed
if (remodal.state === STATES.OPENING || remodal.state === STATES.CLOSING) {
id = remodal.$modal.attr('data-' + PLUGIN_NAME + '-id');
if (id && remodal.settings.hashTracking) {
scrollTop = $(window).scrollTop();
location.hash = id;
if (current && current !== remodal) {
current = remodal;
function() {
setState(remodal, STATES.OPENING);
function() {
setState(remodal, STATES.OPENED);
* Closes a modal window
* @public
* @param {String} reason
Remodal.prototype.close = function(reason) {
var remodal = this;
// Check if the animation was completed
if (remodal.state === STATES.OPENING || remodal.state === STATES.CLOSING || remodal.state === STATES.CLOSED) {
if (
remodal.settings.hashTracking &&
remodal.$modal.attr('data-' + PLUGIN_NAME + '-id') === location.hash.substr(1)
) {
location.hash = '';
function() {
setState(remodal, STATES.CLOSING, false, reason);
function() {
setState(remodal, STATES.CLOSED, false, reason);
* Returns a current state of a modal
* @public
* @returns {STATES}
Remodal.prototype.getState = function() {
return this.state;
* Destroys a modal
* @public
Remodal.prototype.destroy = function() {
var lookup = $[PLUGIN_NAME].lookup;
var instanceCount;
delete lookup[this.index];
instanceCount = $.grep(lookup, function(instance) {
return !!instance;
if (instanceCount === 0) {
namespacify('is', STATES.CLOSING) + ' ' +
namespacify('is', STATES.OPENING) + ' ' +
namespacify('is', STATES.CLOSED) + ' ' +
namespacify('is', STATES.OPENED));
* Special plugin object for instances
* @public
* @type {Object}
lookup: []
* Plugin constructor
* @constructor
* @param {Object} options
* @returns {JQuery}
$.fn[PLUGIN_NAME] = function(opts) {
var instance;
var $elem;
this.each(function(index, elem) {
$elem = $(elem);
if ($ == null) {
instance = new Remodal($elem, opts);
$, instance.index);
if (
instance.settings.hashTracking &&
$elem.attr('data-' + PLUGIN_NAME + '-id') === location.hash.substr(1)
) {
} else {
instance = $[PLUGIN_NAME].lookup[$];
return instance;
$(document).ready(function() {
// data-remodal-target opens a modal window with the special Id
$(document).on('click', '[data-' + PLUGIN_NAME + '-target]', function(e) {
var elem = e.currentTarget;
var id = elem.getAttribute('data-' + PLUGIN_NAME + '-target');
var $target = $('[data-' + PLUGIN_NAME + '-id="' + id + '"]');
// Auto initialization of modal windows
// They should have the 'remodal' class attribute
// Also you can write the `data-remodal-options` attribute to pass params into the modal
$(document).find('.' + NAMESPACE).each(function(i, container) {
var $container = $(container);
var options = $ + '-options');
if (!options) {
options = {};
} else if (typeof options === 'string' || options instanceof String) {
options = parseOptions(options);
// Handles the keydown event
$(document).on('keydown.' + NAMESPACE, function(e) {
if (current && current.settings.closeOnEscape && current.state === STATES.OPENED && e.keyCode === 27) {
// Handles the hashchange event
$(window).on('hashchange.' + NAMESPACE, handleHashChangeEvent);
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<H1 ALIGN="CENTER">International Conferences</H1>
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<div style="max-width:1140px; margin-right:auto; margin-left:auto">
<LI><U>"Mobility Management for Healthcare Services in CoAP-based IoT Networks"<br></U>
<I>ICOIN-2019,</I> Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, January 9 - 11, 2019</LI><BR><br>
<LI><U>"In-Vehicle Infotainment Management System in Internet-of-Things Networks"<br></U>
<I>ICOIN-2019,</I> Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, January 9 - 11, 2019</LI><BR><br>
<LI><U>"Extension of Localized Routing to PMIP-SAE based Mobile Networks"<br></U>
<I>IEEE VTC-2018-Spring,</I> Porto, Portugal, June 3 - 6, 2018</LI><BR><br>
<LI><U>"Distributed Pub/Sub Model in CoAP-based Internet-of-Things Networks"<br></U>
<I>ICOIN-2018,</I> Chiang Mai, Thailand, January 10 - 12, 2018</LI><BR><br>
<LI><U>"Enhanced Cluster-based CoAP in Internet-of-Things Networks"<br></U>
<I>ICOIN-2018,</I> Chiang Mai, Thailand, January 10 - 12, 2018</LI><BR><br>
<LI><U>"Implementation of Indoor Positioning System using ID-Based VLC Beacon"<br></U>
<I>ICCT-2017,</I> Tokyo, Japan, December 8 - 10, 2017</LI><BR><br>
<LI><U>"IDMP-VLC: IoT Device Management Protocol in Visible Light Communication Networks"<br></U>
<I>ICACT-2017,</I> Pyeong-Chang, Korea, February 19 - 22, 2017 (SCOPUS)</LI><BR><br>
<LI><U>"Cluster-based CoAP for Message Queueing in Internet-of-Things Networks"<br></U>
<I>ICACT-2017,</I> Pyeong-Chang, Korea, February 19 - 22, 2017 (SCOPUS)</LI><BR><br>
<LI><U>"Domain-based Identifier-Locator Mapping Management for Distributed Mobility Control"<br></U>
<I>ICOIN-2017,</I> Proceeding of ICOIN, Da Nang, Vietnam, January 11 - 13, 2017 (SCOPUS)</LI><BR><br>
<LI><U>"ISO/IEEE 11073-based Healthcare Services over IoT Platform using 6LoWPAN and BLE: Architecture and Experimentation"<br></U>
<I>NaNA-2016,</I> Hakodate City, Hokkaido, Japan, July 23 - 25, 2016 </LI><BR><br>
<LI><U>"Mobility-aware TAC Configuration in LTE-based Mobile Communication Systems"<br></U>
<I>FutureTech-2016,</I> Beijing, China, April 20 - 22, 2016 </LI><BR><br>
<LI><U>"BLE Beacon-based Position Tracking System in Android Platform"<br></U>
<I>IWAIT-2016,</I> Pukyong National University, Pusan, January 6 - 8, 2016 </LI><BR><br>
<LI><U>"Implementation of CoAP/6LoWPAN over BLE Network for IoT Services"<br></U>
<I>IWAIT-2016,</I> Pukyong National University, Pusan, January 6 - 8, 2016 </LI><BR><br>
<LI><U>"Mobility Support for Proxy Mobile IPv6 in TRILL-based Mobile Networks"<br></U>
<I>ICUFN-2015,</I> Sapporo, Japan, July 7 - 10, 2015 </LI><BR><br>
<LI><U>"A New Device Discovery Scheme in Lighting Control Networks"<br></U>
<I>ACM-SAC-2014 (ACM Symposium on Applied Computing),</I> Gyeongju, Korea, March 24 - 28, 2014 </LI><BR><br>
<LI><U>"Optimization of TAC Configuration in Mobile Communication Systems: A Tabu Search Approach"<br></U>
<I>ICACT-2014,</I> Pyeong-Chang, Korea, February 16 - 19, 2014 (SCOPUS)</LI><BR><br>
<LI><U>"A Distributed Mapping Control of Identifiers and Locators for Future Mobile Internet"<br></U>
<I>ICACT-2014,</I> Pyeong-Chang, Korea, February 16 - 19, 2014 (SCOPUS)</LI><BR><br>
<LI><U>"A Seamless Handover Scheme in LISP Networks"<br></U>
<I>ICTC-2013,</I> Jeju, Korea, October 14 - 16, 2013 (SCOPUS)</LI><BR><br>
<LI><U>"Overview of Architecture for Control Networks in the IP-based Lighting Control Networks"<br></U>
<I>Lux-Pacifica 2013,</I> Bangkok, Thailand, March 6 - 8, 2013</LI><BR><br>
<LI><U>"Distributed Mobility Management in Proxy Mobile IPv6 using Hash Function"<br></U>
<I>ICOIN-2013,</I> Proceeding of ICOIN, pp. 107 ~ 112, Bangkok, Thailand, January 27 - 30, 2013 (SCOPUS)</LI><BR><br>
<LI><U>"Host Identifier and Local Locator for Mobile-Oriented Future Internet: Implementation Perspective"<br></U>
<I>ICACT-2013,</I> Pheonix Park, Korea, January 27 - 30, 2013 (SCOPUS)</LI><BR><br>
<LI><U>"Enhanced Mobility Management Schemes in HIP-based Mobile Networks"<br></U>
<I>ICACT-2013,</I> Pheonix Park, Korea, January 27 - 30, 2013 (SCOPUS)</LI><BR><br>
<LI><U>"Simulation Study on Handover Schemes in Mobile LISP Networks"<br></U>
<I>International Workshop on Ubiquitous Computing and Applications (IWUCA) 2012,</I> Hong Kong, December 20 - 22, 2012</LI><BR><br>
<LI><U>"DHT-based Identifier-Locator Mapping Management for Mobile Oriented Future Internet"<br></U>
<I>Asia-Pacific Conference on Communications (APCC) 2012,</I> Jeju, Korea, October 15 - 17, 2012 (SCOPUS)</LI><BR><br>
<LI><U>"Evaluating Secure Identification in the Mobile Oriented Future Internet (MOFI) Architecture"<br></U>
<I>Future Network and Mobile Summit 2012,</I> Berlin, Germany, July 4 - 6, 2012 (SCOPUS)</LI><BR><br>
<LI><U>"A New Inter-networking Architecture for Mobile Oriented Internet Environment"<br></U>
<I>Future Network and Mobile Summit 2012,</I> Berlin, Germany, July 4 - 6, 2012 (SCOPUS)</LI><BR><br>
<LI><U>"Enhanced Mobility Control in Mobile LISP Networks"<br></U>
<I>ICACT-2012,</I> Pheonix Park, Korea, February 19 - 22, 2012 (SCOPUS)</LI><BR><br>
<LI><U>"Distributed Handover Control in Localized Mobile LISP Networks"<br></U>
<I>WMNC 2011,</I> Toulouse, France, October 26 - 28, 2011 (SCOPUS)</LI><BR><br>
<LI><U>"Problem Statements and Requirements for Mobile Oriented Future Internet"<br></U>
<I>ICTC 2011,</I> Seoul, Korea, September 28 - 30, 2011 (SCOPUS)</LI><BR><br>
<LI><U>"Distributed Mobility Control for Mobile-Oriented Future Internet Environments"<br></U>
<I>ICTC 2011,</I> Seoul, Korea, September 28 - 30, 2011 (SCOPUS)</LI><BR><br>
<LI><U>"HINLO: An ID/LOC Split Scheme for Mobile Oriented Future Internet"<br></U>
<I>Future Network and Mobile Summit 2011,</I> Warsaw, Poland, June 15 - 17, 2011 (SCOPUS)</LI><BR><br>
<LI><U>"Extension of Proxy Mobile IPv6 with Bicasting for Support of Multi-homing and Mobility in Wireless Networks"<br></U>
<I>WAINA-2011,</I> pp. 86 ~ 89, Biopolis, Singapore, March 22 - 25, 2011 (SCOPUS)</LI><BR><br>
<LI><U>"Q-PMIP: Query-based Proxy Mobile IPv6"<br></U>
<I>ICACT-2011,</I> pp. 742 ~ 745, Pheonix Park, Korea, February 13 - 16, 2011 (SCOPUS)</LI><BR><br>
<LI><U>"Proxy Mobile IPv6 with Partial Bicasting for Seamless Handover in Wireless Networks"<br></U>
<I>ICOIN-2011,</I> Proceeding of ICOIN, pp. 352 ~ 356,
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, January 26 - 28, 2011 (SCOPUS)</LI><BR><br>
<LI><U>"Fast Handover using Multicast Handover Agents in PMIPv6-based Wireless Networks"<br></U>
<I>ICOIN-2011,</I> Proceeding of ICOIN, pp. 367 ~ 372,
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, January 26 - 28, 2011 (SCOPUS)</LI><BR><br>
<LI><U>"SIP-based IM and Its Security Solutions"<br></U>
<I>WiCOM-2010,</I> Vol 5. Network Protocols, Session: Network Security,
Chengdu, China, September 23 - 25, 2010 (SCOPUS)</LI><BR><br>
<LI><U>"Seamless Multicast Handover in FMIPv6-based Networks"<br></U>
<I>ICCIS-2010,</I> pp. 746 ~ 752, Penang, Malaysia, February 24 - 26, 2010 (SCOPUS)</LI><BR><br>
<LI><U>"Seamless Multicast Handover in PMIPv6-based Wireless Networks"<br></U>
<I>ICACT-2010,</I> pp. 502 ~ 507, Pheonix Park, Korea, February 7 - 10, 2010 (SCOPUS)</LI><BR><br>
<LI><U>"QMIP: Query-based Mobile IP for Performance Enhancement"<br></U>
<I>ICACT-2010,</I> pp. 1256 ~ 1260, Pheonix Park, Korea, February 7 - 10, 2010 (SCOPUS)</LI><BR><br>
<LI><U>"A Segment Based SACK Scheme for Wireless TCP"<br></U>
<I>WiCOM-2009,</I> Vol 5. Network Technologies(2), Session: Network Protocol and Congestion Control,
Beijing, China, September 24 ~ 26, 2009</LI><BR><br>
<LI><U>"B-PMIPv6: PMIPv6 with Bicasting for Soft Handover"<br></U>
<I>ICACT-2009,</I> pp. 218 ~ 221, Pheonix Park, Korea, February 15 - 18, 2009</LI><BR><br>
<LI><U>"Network-based Fast Handover for IMS Applications and Services"<br></U>
<I>ICACT-2009,</I> pp. 1133 ~ 1136, Pheonix Park, Korea, February 15 - 18, 2009</LI><BR><br>
<LI><U>"mSCTP with Bicasting for Seamless IP Handover"<br></U>
<I>ICS-2008,</I> pp. 77 ~ 81 (Vol. 1), Taipei, Taiwan, November 13 - 15, 2008</LI><BR><br>
<LI><U>"Mobile SCTP with Bicasting for Vertical Handover"<br></U>
<I>ICCIT-2008,</I> pp. 123 ~ 125, Busan, Korea, November 11 - 13, 2008</LI><BR><br>
<LI><U>"PMIPv6 with Bicasting for IP Handover"<br></U>
<I>ICCIT-2008,</I> pp. 793 ~ 796, Busan, Korea, November 11 - 13, 2008</LI><BR><br>
<LI><U>"Dynamic Partial CRC with Flexible Chunk Policy for SCTP over Lossy Channel"<br></U>
<I>WiCOM-2008,</I> Dalian, China, October 12 - 17, 2008</LI><BR><br>
<LI><U>"On the Packet Reordering of mSCTP for Vertical Handover in Heterogneous Wireless Networks"<br></U>
<I>VTC-2008-Fall,</I> Calgary, Canada, Septemebr 21 - 24, 2008</LI><BR><br>
<LI><U>"Analysis of Handover Latency for Mobile IPv6 and mSCTP"<br></U>
<I>ICC-2008, Workshop on IP Mobility Management and Architecture (IPMMA),
</I> Beijing, China, May 19 - 23, 2008</LI><BR><br>
<LI><U>"Adaptive Primary Path Switching for SCTP Handover"<br></U>
<I>ICACT-2008,</I> pp. 900 ~ 902, Phoenix Park, Korea, February 17 - 20, 2008</LI><BR><br>
<LI><U>"Framework of Mobile Multicast Communications over Wireless Networks"<br></U>
<I>ICUT-2007,</I> pp. 724 ~ 729, Bali, Indonesia, December 20 - 22, 2007</LI><BR><br>
<LI><U>"Enhanced Wireless TCP for Satellite Networks"<br></U>
<I>WiCOM-2007,</I> pp. 1813 ~ 1816, Shanghai, China, September 21 - 23, 2007</LI><BR><br>
<LI><U>"Adaptive Increase and Adaptive Decrease Algorithm for Wireless TCP"<br></U>
<I>ICNC-2007,</I> pp. 392 ~ 398, Haikou, China, August 24 - 27, 2007</LI><BR><br>
<LI><U>"A New Scheme for SCTP Primary Path Switching based on Throughput Estimation"<br></U>
<I>ITC-CSCC-2007,</I> pp. 427 ~ 428, Busan, Korea, July 8 - 11, 2007</LI><BR><br>
<LI><U>"Analysis of SCTP Performance by Multi-streaming Feature"<br></U>
<I>ITC-CSCC-2007,</I> pp. 431 ~ 432, Busan, Korea, July 8 - 11, 2007</LI><BR><br>
<LI><U>"Performance Analysis of the PR-SCTP by Lifetime"<br></U>
<I>ITC-CSCC-2007,</I> pp. 435 ~ 436, Busan, Korea, July 8 - 11, 2007</LI><BR><br>
<LI><U>"MMCP: A Control Protocol for IP Multicasting in Mobile Networks"<br></U>
<I>ITC-CSCC-2007,</I> pp. 1265 ~ 1266, Busan, Korea, July 8 - 11, 2007</LI><BR><br>
<LI><U>"ECTP for Interactive Multicast Transport: Design and Implementation"<br></U>
<I>ICACT-2007 (International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology),</I><BR>
pp. 2007 ~ 2012, Phoenix Park, Korea, February 12 - 14, 2007</LI><BR><br>
<LI><U>"Performance of SCTP for IPTV Applications"<br></U>
<I>ICACT-2007 (International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology),</I><BR>
pp. 2176 ~ 2180, Phoenix Park, Korea, February 12 - 14, 2007</LI><BR><br>
<LI><U>"A Scheme of Primary Path Switching for Mobile Terminals using SCTP Handover"<br></U>
<I>WSEAS-2007,</I> pp. 218 ~ 223, Gold Coast, Australia, January 17 - 19, 2007 </LI><BR><br>
</FONT><FONT FACE="System" LANG="KO"/>
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style="width: 70px;height: 70px;border-radius: 50%;background: #0ea0ff;background-color: #5768cd;">
<div class="card-body research-area">
<h3 class="card-title">CCIS</h3>
<p class="card-text" style="font-size: 1.05rem;">In-Vehicle Infotainment (IVI) refers to
vehicle systems that combine entertainment and information delivery to drivers and
passengers. <br>Configurable Car Infotainment Service (CCIS) is a service that
helps users to more
easily manage and control In-Vehicle infotainment devices and content.<br></p>
<div class="col-md-4">
<div class="card special-skill-item border-0">
<div class="card-header bg-transparent border-0"><img src="assets/main/img/vlc-icon.png"
style="width: 70px;height: 70px;border-radius: 50%;background: #0ea0ff;background-color: #fbcd79;">
<div class="card-body research-area">
<h3 class="card-title">VLC-IoT</h3>
<p class="card-text" style="font-size: 1.05rem;">Visible-light communication (VLC)
data by intensity modulating optical sources, such as light-emitting diodes (LEDs)
laser diodes (LDs), faster than the persistence of the human eye. The goal of
IoT-VLC is
design a framework of IoT services based on VLC. <br><br></p>
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<h3 style="font-weight: 700;font-family: Lato,sans-serif;">CCIS </h3>
<p style="margin-top: 0px;">In-Vehicle Infotainment (IVI) refers to vehicle systems that combine
entertainment and information delivery to drivers and passengers. Configurable Car
Service (CCIS) is a service that helps users to more easily manage
and control In-Vehicle infotainment devices and content.<br>This project is developing a
of standards in <br>IEC/TC 100/TA 17</p>
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<div class="godopu_description col-sm-6 portfolio-block" style="margin-top: 20px;">
<h3 style="font-weight: 700;font-family: Lato,sans-serif;">VLC-IoT</h3>
<p style="margin-top: 0px;">Visible-light communication (VLC) transmits data by intensity
optical sources, such as light-emitting diodes (LEDs) and laser diodes (LDs), faster than
persistence of the human eye. The goal of IoT-VLC is to design a
framework of IoT services based on VLC.<br>This project is purposed to develop a series of
standards in ITU-T SG20.<br></p>
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<h2>Standards organizations</h2>
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<h6><a target="_blank" href="">IETF</a></h6>
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<h3>Seok-Joo Koh</h3>
<snap>School of Computer Science and Engineering Director and <br>Software Education
Center<br>of Kyungpook National University<br>경북대학교 IT융복합공학관 527호</snap>
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<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
<TITLE>ISL: Introduction</TITLE>
<H2>Research Areas</H2>
We are focusing on the following research areas: <BR><BR>
<LI>Quick UDP Internet Conenction (QUIC)</LI><BR><BR>
<LI>QUIC-based Mobility and Multi-Streaming Support</LI><BR><BR>
<LI>Services and Protocols for Internet-of-Things (IoT)</LI><BR><BR>
<LI>Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP)</LI><BR><BR>
<LI>In-Vehicle Infotainment (IVI)</LI><BR><BR>
<LI>Optical Wireless or Visible Light Communications (OWC/VLC)</LI><BR><BR>
<LI>Lighting Control Networks (PLASA E1.45) for LED-based VLC</LI><BR><BR>
<LI>Mobility Management: Distributed Mobility Control</LI><BR><BR>
<LI>Multicast Routing Protocols and Reliable Multicasting</LI><BR><BR>
<LI>mobile SCTP (mSCTP): Soft Handover in Transport Layer</LI><BR><BR>
<LI>Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP)</LI><BR><BR>
<LI>Telecommunication Optimization: Network Planning and Management</LI><BR><BR>
<LI>TAC/TAL Configuration for Paging and Location Management</LI><BR><BR>
<LI>Tabu Search and Genetic Algorithm</LI><BR><BR>
<P><HR SIZE=4><P>
<H2>International Standardizations</H2>
Along with the research activities, we are also in pursuit of the International Standardization,<BR>
from the market deployment perspective, in the following SDOs (Standard-Defining Organizations):<BR><BR>
<LI><U>IEC TC100:</U> In-Vehicle Infotainment Services<BR>
<LI><U>ISO/IEC JTC1/SC41:</U> Internet-of-Things (IoT) Applications</U>
<LI><U>ITU-T SG20:</U> VLC-based IoT Services<BR>
<LI><U>ITU-T SG13:</U> Mobility Management <BR>
<LI><U>ISO/IEC JTC1/SC6:</U> Reliable Multicasting</U>
Please refer to <A href="">here </A>for details of our works
on International Standardization so far. </U></B><BR><BR>
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<FONT FACE="Courier New">
<H1 ALIGN="CENTER">Fall 2022</H1><BR>
<H3><U>Problem Solving and Computing (CLTR 273001)</H3><BR></U>
<H3><U>Topics in Software (COMP 432001)</H3><BR></U>
<H3><U>Capstone Design Project I (ITEC 401001)</H3><BR></U>
<H1 ALIGN="CENTER">Spring 2022</H1><BR>
<H3><U>Network Programming (EECS 312002)</H3><BR></U>
<H3><U>Capstone Design Project II (ITEC 402001)</H3><BR></U>
<H3><U>Problem-based Engineering Training Experiment (COMP 460001)</H3><BR></U>
<H3><U>Software Convergence Project1 (CICT 701001)</H3><BR></U>
<H1 ALIGN="CENTER">Fall 2021</H1><BR>
<H3><U>Capstone Design Project II (ITEC 402001)</H3><BR></U>
<H1 ALIGN="CENTER">Spring 2021</H1><BR>
<H3><U>Problem Solving and Computing (CLTR 273001)</H3><BR></U>
<H3><U>Software Convergence Design 1 (GLSO 218001)</H3><BR></U>
<H3><U>Capstone Design Project II (ITEC 402001)</H3><BR></U>
<H3><U>Advanced Mobile Computing (COMP 778001)</H3><BR></U>
<H1 ALIGN="CENTER">Fall 2020</H1><BR>
<H3><U>Capstone Design Project I (ITEC 401003)</H3><BR></U>
<H3><U>Capstone Design Project I (ITEC 401004)</H3><BR></U>
<H3><U>Topics in Software Convergence IV (GLSO 228001)</H3><BR></U>
<H1 ALIGN="CENTER">Spring 2020</H1><BR>
<H3><U>Capstone Design Project I (ITEC 401016)</H3><BR></U>
<H3><U>Capstone Design Project II (ITEC 402003)</H3><BR></U>
<H3><U>Advanced Mobile Computing (COMP 778001)</H3><BR></U>
<H1 ALIGN="CENTER">Fall 2019</H1><BR>
<H3><U>Topics in Software (COMP 432001)</H3><BR></U>
<H3><U>Capstone Design Project I (ITEC 401003)</H3><BR></U>
<H3><U>Capstone Design Project II (ITEC 402016)</H3><BR></U>
<H1 ALIGN="CENTER">Spring 2019</H1><BR>
<H3><U>Introduction to Computer Science and Engineering (ITEC 201010)</H3><BR></U>
<H3><U>Capstone Design Project I (ITEC 401016)</H3><BR></U>
<H3><U>Capstone Design Project II (ITEC 402003)</H3><BR></U>
<H1 ALIGN="CENTER">Fall 2018</H1><BR>
<H3><U>Capstone Design Project I (ITEC 401005)</H3><BR></U>
<H3><U>Capstone Design Project II (ITEC 402017)</H3><BR></U>
<H1 ALIGN="CENTER">Spring 2018</H1><BR>
<H3><U>Capstone Design Project I (ITEC 401021)</H3><BR></U>
<H3><U>Capstone Design Project II (ITEC 402006)</H3><BR></U>
<H1 ALIGN="CENTER">Fall 2017</H1><BR>
<H3><U>Topics in Software (COMP 432001)</H3><BR></U>
<H3><U>Creative Convergence Design (GLSO 213001)</H3><BR></U>
<H3><U>Capstone Design Project I (ITEC 401003)</H3><BR></U>
<H1 ALIGN="CENTER">Spring 2017</H1><BR>
<H3><U>Network Programming (EECS 312001)</H3><BR></U>
<H3><U>Capstone Design Project I (ITEC 401018)</H3><BR></U>
<H3><U>Capstone Design Project II (ITEC 402005)</H3><BR></U>
<H3><U>Advanced Computer Networks (COME 742001)</H3><BR></U>
<H1 ALIGN="CENTER">Fall 2016</H1><BR>
<H3><U>Topics in Software (COMP 432001)</H3><BR></U>
<H3><U>Data Structures (COME 331013) and DS Applications (COMP 216002)</H3><BR></U>
<H3><U>Capstone Design Project I (ITEC 401004)</H3><BR></U>
<H3><U>Capstone Design Project II (ITEC 402016)</H3><BR></U>
<H1 ALIGN="CENTER">Spring 2016</H1><BR>
<H3><U>Computer Networks (COMP 414003)</H3><BR></U>
<H3><U>Capstone Design Project I (ITEC 401031)</H3><BR></U>
<H3><U>Capstone Design Project II (ITEC 402005)</H3><BR></U>
<H3><U>Capstone Design Project II (ITEC 402006)</H3><BR></U>
<H1 ALIGN="CENTER">Fall 2015</H1><BR>
<H3><U>Topics in Software (COMP 432001)</H3><BR></U>
<H3><U>Capstone Design Project I (ITEC 401006)</H3><BR></U>
<H3><U>Capstone Design Project I (ITEC 401007)</H3><BR></U>
<H3><U>Capstone Design Project II (ITEC 402022)</H3><BR></U>
<H1 ALIGN="CENTER">Spring 2015</H1><BR>
<H3><U>Introduction to Computer Science and Engineering (ITEC 201009)</H3><BR></U>
<H3><U>Network Programming (EECS 312001)</H3><BR></U>
<H3><U>Network Programming (EECS 312002)</H3><BR></U>
<H3><U>Capstone Design Project I (ITEC 401021)</H3><BR></U>
<H3><U>Capstone Design Project II (ITEC 402004)</H3><BR></U>
<H1 ALIGN="CENTER">Fall 2014</H1><BR>
<H3><U>Capstone Design Project I (ITEC 401006)</H3><BR></U>
<H3><U>Capstone Design Project II (ITEC 402021)</H3><BR></U>
<H3><U>Advanced Computer Networks (COME 742001)</H3><BR></U>
<H1 ALIGN="CENTER">Spring 2014</H1><BR>
<H3><U>Computer Networks (COMP 414002)</H3><BR></U>
<H3><U>Capstone Design Project II (ITEC 402004)</H3><BR></U>
<H1 ALIGN="CENTER">Fall 2013</H1><BR>
<H3><U>Capstone Design Project I (ITEC 401005)</H3><BR></U>
<H3><U>Capstone Design Project II (ITEC 402017)</H3><BR></U>
<H1 ALIGN="CENTER">Spring 2013</H1><BR>
<H3><U>Topics in Software (COMP 432001)</H3><BR></U>
<H3><U>Capstone Design Project II (ITEC 402005)</H3><BR></U>
<H1 ALIGN="CENTER">Fall 2012</H1><BR>
<H3><U>Topics in Software (COMP 432001)</H3><BR></U>
<H3><U>Capstone Design Project I (ITEC 401003)</H3><BR></U>
<H3><U>Senior Project II (EECS 422021)</H3><BR></U>
<H1 ALIGN="CENTER">Spring 2012</H1><BR>
<H3><U>Web Programming Design (COMP 214002)</H3><BR></U>
<H3><U>Computer Network Protocols (COMP 749001)</H3><BR></U>
<H3><U>Next Generation Internet Technology (ELEC 957001)</H3><BR></U>
<H1 ALIGN="CENTER">Fall 2011</H1><BR>
<H3><U>Probability and Statistics: Class 1 (COME 311003)</H3><BR></U>
<H3><U>Probability and Statistics: Class 2 (COME 311004)</H3><BR></U>
<H3><U>Internet Computing (COMP 764001)</H3><BR></U>
<H3><U>Topics in Software (COMP 432001)</H3><BR></U>
<H1 ALIGN="CENTER">Spring 2011</H1><BR>
<H3><U>Web Programming Design: Class 1 (COMP 214001)</H3><BR></U>
<H3><U>Web Programming Design: Class 2 (COMP 214002)</H3><BR></U>
<H1 ALIGN="CENTER">Fall 2010</H1><BR>
<H3><U>Probability and Statistics (COME 311003)</H3><BR></U>
<H3><U>Data Structures (COME 331004)</H3><BR></U>
<H3><U>Senior Project II (EECS 422022)</H3><BR></U>
<H1 ALIGN="CENTER">Spring 2010</H1><BR>
<H3><U>Internet Programming Design (EECS 450001)</H3><BR></U>
<H3><U>Computer Networks (COMP 414003)</H3><BR></U>
<H3><U>Next-Generation Internet Technology (ELEC 957001)</H3><BR></U>
<H3><U>Senior Project I (EECS 408016)</H3><BR></U>
<H1 ALIGN="CENTER">Fall 2009</H1><BR>
<H3><U>Probability and Statistics (COME 31103)</H3><BR></U>
<H3><U>Data Structures (COME 33105)</H3><BR></U>
<H3><U>Senior Project II (EECS 42202)</H3><BR></U>
<H1 ALIGN="CENTER">Spring 2009</H1><BR>
<H3><U>Introduction to Computer Science (EECS 20704)</H3><BR></U>
<H3><U>Internet Programming Design (EECS 45001)</H3><BR></U>
<H3><U>Senior Project I (EECS 40803)</H3><BR></U>
<H1 ALIGN="CENTER">Fall 2008</H1><BR>
<H3><U>Probability and Statistics (COME 31103)</H3><BR></U>
<H3><U>Internet Computing (COMP 76401)</H3><BR></U>
<H3><U>Computer Network: Special (ELEC 75401)</H3><BR></U>
<H1 ALIGN="CENTER">Spring 2008</H1><BR>
<H3><U> Internet Programming and Practices (EECS 31401)</H3><BR></U>
<H3><U> Computer Network Protocols (COMP 74901)</H3><BR></U>
<H1 ALIGN="CENTER">Fall 2007</H1><BR>
<H3><U> Introduction to Computer Science (EECS 20703)</H3><BR></U>
<H3><U> Probability and Statistics (COME 31103)</H3><BR></U>
<H3><U> Computer Networks (COMP 41401)</H3><BR></U>
<H1 ALIGN="CENTER">Spring 2007</H1><BR>
<H3><U> C Programming and Practices (EECS 20109)</H3><BR></U>
<H3><U> Introduction to Computer Science (EECS 20704)</H3><BR></U>
<H3><U> Internet Programming and Practices (EECS 31401)</H3><BR></U>
<H1 ALIGN="CENTER">Fall 2006</H1><BR>
<H3><U> Introduction to Computer Science (EECS 20703)</H3><BR></U>
<H3><U> Probability and Statistics (COME 31103)</H3><BR></U>
<H3><U> Internet Computing (COMP 76401)</H3><BR></U>
<H1 ALIGN="CENTER">Spring 2006</H1><BR>
<H3><U> Introduction to Computer Science (EECS 20704)</H3><BR></U>
<H3><U> Internet Programming and Practices (EECS 31401)</H3><BR></U>
<H3><U> Computer Performance Analysis (COMP 75101)</H3><BR></U>
<H1 ALIGN="CENTER">Fall 2005</H1><BR>
<H3><U> Introduction to Computer Science (EECS 20703)</H3><BR></U>
<H3><U> Data Structures (EECS 20806)</H3><BR></U>
<H3><U> Computer Network (COMP 41402)</H3><BR></U>
<H1 ALIGN="CENTER">Spring 2005</H1><BR>
<H3><U> Introduction to Computer Science (EECS 20704)</H3><BR></U>
<H3><U> Internet Programming Design (EECS 49201)</H3><BR></U>
<H3><U> Computer Network Protocols (COMP 74901)</H3><BR></U>
<H1 ALIGN="CENTER">Fall 2004</H1><BR>
<H3><U> Computer Engineering (ELEC 26104)</H3><BR></U>
<H3><U> Data Structures II (COMP 22101)</H3><BR></U>
<H3><U> Network Programming (EECS 31201)</H3><BR></U>
<H1 ALIGN="CENTER">Spring 2004</H1><BR>
<H3><U> Introduction to Computer Science (EECS 20704)</H3><BR></U>
<H3><U> Data Structures I (COMP 21105)</H3><BR></U>
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<H2>Members (as of Fall 2022)</H2>
<div class="members" style="max-width:1140px; margin-right:auto; margin-left:auto">
<H4>Seok-Joo Koh (고석주, Professor):
<a href="/sjkoh/">Homepage</a> &
<A HREF="">e-mail </a><br><br></H4>
<H4>Dong-Kyu Choi (최동규, Ph. D. Candidate)<br><br></H4>
<H4>Joong-Hwa Jung (정중화, Ph. D. Candidate)<br><br></H4>
<H4>So-Yong Kim (김소용, Ph. D. Candidate)<br><br></H4>
<H4>Hye-Been Nam (남혜빈, Ph. D. Student)<br><br></H4>
<H4>Eun-Ji An (안은지, M. S. Student)<br><br></H4>
<H4>Min-Ji Kim (김민지, M. S. Student)<br><br></H4>
<H4>Dong-Ju Kim (김동주, Ph. D. Student) in DCU (대구가톨릭대학교)<br><br></H4>
<H4>Keun-Sol Kim (김근솔, Ph. D. Student) in KIRIA (한국로봇산업진흥원) with Department of Information Security<br><br></H4>
<H4>Se-Hyun Cho (조세현, Ph. D. Student) with Department of Information Security<br><br></H4>
<H4>Yunah Park (박유나, M. S. Candidate) in KERIS (한국교육학술정보원) with Department of Information Security<br><br></H4>
<H4>Jae-Seong Kim (김재성, M. S. Candidate) in NIA (한국지능정보사회진흥원) with Department of Information Science<br><br></H4>
<H4>Se-Ho Kim (김세호, M. S. Candidate) in K-Water (한국수자원공사) with Department of Industrial Engineering<br><br></H4>
<H4>Jin-Won Choi (최진원, M. S. Candidate) in NIA (한국지능정보사회진흥원) with Department of Information Science<br><br></H4>
<H4>Ji-Eun Kim (김지은, M. S. Candidate) in NIA (한국지능정보사회진흥원) with Department of Information Science<br><br></H4>
<H4>Dro Bae (배드로, M. S. Candidate) in ROK-AF (대한민국 공군) with Department of Industrial Engineering<br><br></H4>
<H4>Jung-Mi Hwang (황정미, M. S. Student) in NIA (한국지능정보사회진흥원) with Department of Information Science<br><br></H4>
<H4>Chae-Young Park (박채영, M. S. Student) in NIA (한국지능정보사회진흥원) with Department of Information Science<br><br></H4>
<H4>Dong-Kyu Oh (오동규, M. S. Candidate) with Department of Industrial Engineering<br><br></H4>
<div class="alumni" style="max-width:1140px; margin-right:auto; margin-left:auto">
<H4>Cheol-Min Kim (김철민, Ph. D. August 2022, M. S. February 2017)<br><br>
He is now with KETI (한국전자기술연구원)<br></H4>
<H4>Kyung-Sik Kim (김경식, M. S. February 2022)<br><br>
He is now with Hyundai Autoever (현대오토에버)<br></H4>
<H4>Keun-Soo Kim (김근수, M. S. February 2022)<br><br>
He is now with Shinhan Bank (신한은행)<br></H4>
<H4>Seong-Woo Jeong (정성우, M. S. February 2022)<br><br>
He is now with NIA (한국지능정보사회진흥원)<br></H4>
<H4>Min-Cheol Choi (최민철, M. S. February 2022)<br><br>
He is now with NIA (한국지능정보사회진흥원)<br></H4>
<H4>Jun-Hee Jang (장준희, M. S. August 2021)<br><br>
He is now with NIA (한국지능정보사회진흥원)<br></H4>
<H4>Muhammad Hafidh Firmansyah (M. S. August 2021)<br><br>
He is now with State Polytechnic University of Jember in Indonesia as a lecturer<br></H4>
<H4>Kang-Min Jang (장강민, M. S. February 2021) <br><br>
He is now with NIA (한국지능정보사회진흥원)<br></H4>
<H4>Hong-Keun Lee (이홍근, M. S. February 2021) <br><br>
He is now with NIA (한국지능정보사회진흥원)<br></H4>
<H4>Hyebeen Nam (남혜빈, M. S. February 2021)<br><br>
She is now with ISL in KNU<br></H4>
<H4>So-Yong Kim (김소용, M. S. February 2020) <br><br>
He is now with ISL in KNU<br></H4>
<H4>Nak-Jung Choi (최낙중, Ph. D. February 2020, M. S. February 2013)<br><br>
He is now with Agency for Defense Development (국방과학연구소)<br></H4>
<H4>Min-Woo Jung (정민우, M. S. February 2019) <br><br>
He is now with LG Electronics (LG전자)<br></H4>
<H4>Hyung-Woo Kang (강형우, Ph. D. August 2018, M. S. February 2013)<br><br>
He is now with Defense Agency for Technology and Quality (국방기술품질원)<br></H4>
<H4>Joong-Hwa Jung (정중화, M. S. February 2018) <br><br>
He is now with ISL in KNU<br></H4>
<H4>Ye-Chan Choi (최예찬, M. S. February 2018) <br><br>
He is now with LG-CNS<br></H4>
<H4>Sang-Il Choi (최상일, Ph. D. February 2017, M. S. February 2012)<br><br>
He is now with Korea Institute of Civil Engineering and Building Technology (KICT,
<H4>Dong-Kyu Choi (최동규, M. S. February 2017)<br><br>
He is now with ISL in KNU<br></H4>
<H4>Jin-Ho Park (박진호, M. S. August 2016)<br><br>
He is now with ISL in KNU<br></H4>
<H4>Sung-Yoon Seok (석성윤, M. S. August 2016)<br><br>
He is now with Samsung Electronics (삼성전자)<br></H4>
<H4>Jin-Kyu Kim (김진규, M. S. August 2016)<br><br>
He is now with Samsung Electronics (삼성전자)<br></H4>
<H4>Jae-Cheol Kim (김재철, M. S. August 2016)<br><br>
He is now with Samsung Electronics (삼성전자)<br></H4>
<H4>Ji-In Kim (김지인, Ph. D. February 2016, M. S. February 2010)<br><br>
He is now with M.K. Autotech (엠케이오토택) as Researh Director <br></H4>
<H4>Woo-Ju Kim (김우주, M. S. February 2016)<br><br>
He is now with I3 System (in Daejeon)<br></H4>
<H4>Jung-Sub Park (박정섭, M. S. August 2015)<br><br>
He is now with Samsung Electronics (삼성전자)<br></H4>
<H4>Jong-Myoung Choi (최종명, M. S. February 2015)<br><br>
He is now with NP Communications<br></H4>
<H4>Jong-Kwan Lee (이종관, M. S. February 2014)<br><br>
He is now with Daewoo Shipbuilding and Marine Engineering (대우조선) <br></H4>
<H4>Sang-Hun Lee (이상헌, M. S. February 2014)<br><br>
He is now with Inno Wireless<br></H4>
<H4>Kyeong-Wook Min (민경욱, M. S. February 2013)<br><br>
He is now with Samsung Electronics (삼성전자)<br></H4>
<H4>Sang-Heon Kim (김상헌, M. S. February 2013)<br><br>
He is now with Samsung Electronics (삼성전자)<br></H4>
<H4>Moneeb Gohar (Ph. D. August 2012)<br><br>
He is now with Department of Computer Science, Bahria University (at Islamabad, Pakistan) as
<H4>Jae-Wan Park (박재완, M. S. February 2012)<br><br>
He is now with Ministry of Justice (Immigration Information Center, 법무부)<br></H4>
<H4>Jae-Kyoung Lee (이재경, M. S. February 2012)<br><br>
She is now with Korea Transportation Satefy Authority (한국교통안전공단)<br></H4>
<H4>Won-Ki Ha (하원기, M. S. February 2012)<br><br>
He is now with Samsung Electronics (삼성전자)<br></H4>
<H4>Keun-Hee Kim (김근희, M. S. February 2012)<br><br>
She is now with Samsung Electronics (삼성전자)<br></H4>
<H4>Soon-Hong Kwon (권순홍, M. S. February 2010)<br><br>
He is now with Samsung Electronics (삼성전자)<br></H4>
<H4>Dong-Phil Kim (김동필, Ph. D. February 2009)<br><br>
He is now with National Security Research Institute (국가보안연구소)<br></H4>
<H4>Lin Cui (최린, Ph. D. February 2009)<br><br>
He is now with Tianjin University of Technology and Education in China as an Associate
(School of Information Technology Engineering)<br></H4>
<H4>Dong-Hwa Lee (이동화, M. S. February 2009)<br><br>
He is now with Samsung Electronics (삼성전자)<br></H4>
<H4>Jae-Sung Park (박재성, M. S. August 2008)<br><br>
He is now with Amarantec (아마란텍) Inc.<br></H4>
<H4>Su-Kyoung Ju (주수경, M. S. February 2008)<br><br>
She is now with Youngjin Univ. (영진전문대학교)<br></H4>
<H4>Sung-Shik Yoon (윤성식, M. S. August 2007)<br><br>
He is now with Jo-Il Textile Processing Company (조일가공)<br></H4>
<H4>Sang-Tae Kim (김상태, M. S. February 2007)<br><br>
He is now with LG Electronics (LG전자) <br></H4>
<H4>Jong-Shik Ha (하종식, M. S. February 2007)<br><br>
He is now with Samsung Electronics (삼성전자)<br></H4>
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<H1 ALIGN="CENTER">Domestic Journals</H1>
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<div style="max-width:1140px; margin-right:auto; margin-left:auto">
<LI><U>NAT 기반 사물인터넷 환경에서 실시간 통신 지원을 위한 MQTT-CoAP 혼합 기법<BR></U>
<I>한국통신학회논문지</I>, 제 46권 제 11호, pp. 1822 ~ 1833, 2021년 11월 (KCI)</LI>
<LI><U>웹 및 스트리밍 서비스에 대한 QUIC 프로토콜 성능 분석<BR></U>
<I>정보처리학회논문지: 컴퓨터 및 통신 시스템</I>, 제 10권 제 5호, pp. 137 ~ 144, 2021년 5월 (KCI)</LI>
<LI><U>가시광 통신 기반 출결 관리 시스템 설계 및 구현<BR></U>
<I>한국통신학회논문지</I>, 제 44권 제 7호, pp. 1381 ~ 1390, 2019년 7월 (KCI)</LI>
<LI><U>In-Vehicle Infotainment 시스템에서 Configuration Protocol의 설계 및 구현<BR></U>
<I>한국통신학회논문지</I>, 제 43권 제 7호, pp. 1140 ~ 1151, 2018년 7월 (KCI)</LI>
<LI><U>BLE 네트워크 상에서 사물인터넷 서비스 제공을 위한 CoAP과 6LoWPAN 구현<BR></U>
<I>방송공학회논문지</I>, 제 21권 제 3호, pp. 298 ~ 306, 2016년 5월 (KCI)</LI>
<LI><U>A Comparative Analysis of Centralized and Distributed Mobility Management in IP-Based Mobile Networks<BR></U>
<I>Telecommunications Review</I>, 제 25권 제 4호, pp. 656 ~ 671, 2015년 8월 (KCI)</LI>
<LI><U> IoT(사물기반 인터넷) 기반 헬스케어 서비스: 일상 생활습관 ‧ 건강관리 중심으로 <BR></U>
<I>생명공학정책연구센터(BioINpro)</I>, BioINpro 제 13호, pp. 1 ~ 12, 2015년 6월</LI>
<LI><U>Mobility Support Using Locator-Identifier Separation Protocol in 4G Mobile Communication Networks<BR></U>
<I>Telecommunications Review</I>, 제 25권 제 2호, pp. 337 ~ 355, 2015년 4월 (KCI)</LI>
<LI><U> 사물인터넷 기반 헬스케어 서비스 및 플랫폼 동향 <BR></U>
<I>한국통신학회지(정보와통신)</I>, 제 31권 제 12호, pp. 25 ~ 30, 2014년 12월</LI>
<LI><U>모바일 중심 미래 인터넷: OpenFlow 기반 구현 및 KOREN 테스트베드 실험<BR></U>
<I>정보과학회논문지: 정보통신</I>, 제 41권 제 4호, pp. 167 ~ 176, 2014년 8월 (KCI)</LI>
<LI><U>Load Balancing for Proxy Mobile IPv6 in SAE-based Mobile Networks<BR></U>
<I>Telecommunications Review</I>, 제 24권 제 3호, pp. 433 ~ 448, 2014년 6월 (KCI)</LI>
<LI><U>LED 기반 조명 제어를 위한 PLASA 표준 프로토콜 기술<BR></U>
<I>조명전기설비학회지</I>, 제 28권 제 3호, pp. 9 ~ 21, 2014년 5월</LI>
<LI><U>5세대 이동통신에서의 네트워크 이슈<BR></U>
<I>정보과학회지</I>, 제 31권 제 9호, pp. 20 ~ 26, 2013년 9월</LI>
<LI><U>무선 인터넷 환경에서 SCTP 프로토콜의 성능 최적화 방안<BR></U>
<I>Telecommunications Review</I>, 제 23권 제 3호, pp. 381 ~ 392, 2013년 6월 (KCI)</LI>
<LI><U>무선 네트워크 환경에서 안드로이드 기반 SCTP 프로토콜의 성능 분석<BR></U>
<I>정보과학회논문지: 시스템 및 이론</I>, 제 40권 제 2호, pp. 105 ~ 110, 2013년 4월 (KCI)</LI>
<LI><U>조명 제어 네트워크에서 디바이스 관리를 위한 표준 프로토콜 기술 동향<BR></U>
<I>조명전기설비학회지</I>, 제 27권 제 2호, pp. 56 ~ 65, 2013년 3월</LI>
<LI><U>ID-LOC 분리 기반 인터넷 구조에서 분산형 매핑 시스템의 구현 및 평가<BR></U>
<I>한국통신학회논문지</I>, 제 37B권(네트워크 및 서비스) 제 11호, pp. 984 ~ 992, 2012년 11월 (KCI)</LI>
<LI><U>이동통신 로밍 환경에서 빠른 홈망 복귀를 위한 망탐색 알고리즘<BR></U>
<I>정보처리학회논문지</I>, 제 19-C권 제 2호, pp. 149 ~ 152, 2012년 4월 (KCI)</LI>
<LI><U>미래 인터넷의 이동 네트워크 구조 및 연구동향<BR></U>
<I>한국통신학회지(정보와통신)</I>, 제 29권 제 3호, pp. 41 ~ 48, 2012년 3월</LI>
<LI><U>모바일 단말 환경에서 웹브라우저의 로딩속도 개선 기법<BR></U>
<I>Telecommunications Review</I>, 제 22권 제 1호, pp. 139 ~ 152, 2012년 2월 (KCI)</LI>
<LI><U>Binding Query를 활용한 Proxy Mobile IPv6의 성능 향상 기법<BR></U>
<I>한국통신학회논문지</I>, 제 36권 제 11호(네트워크 및 융합서비스), pp. 1269 ~ 1276, 2011년 11월 (KCI)</LI>
<LI><U>이동 LISP망에서 네트워크 기반 이동성 제어 기법<BR></U>
<I>정보처리학회논문지</I>, 제 18-C권 제 5호, pp. 339 ~ 342, 2011년 10월 (KCI)</LI>
<LI><U>MOFI: Future Internet Architecture with Address-free Hosts for Mobile Environments<BR></U>
<I>Telecommunications Review</I>, 제 21권 제 2호, pp. 343 ~ 358, 2011년 4월 (KCI)</LI>
<LI><U>미래 인터넷을 위한 네이밍과 어드레싱을 위한 연구<BR></U>
<I>정보과학회지</I>, 제 29권 제 3호, pp. 53 ~ 65, 2011년 3월</LI>
<LI><U>Mobile Oriented Future Internet (MOFI): Design Considerations and Architecture<BR></U>
<I>OSIA Standards & Technology Review (ISSN:1738-9887) </I>, Vol. 24, No. 1, pp. 61 ~ 77, 2011년 3월</LI>
<LI><U>Fast Tree Join for Seamless Multicast Handover in FMIPv6-based Mobile Networks<BR></U>
<I>Telecommunications Review</I>, 제 20권 제 6호, pp. 993 ~ 1003, 2010년 12월 (KCI)</LI>
<LI><U>모바일 IPTV 멀티캐스트 전송 및 서비스 기술 동향<BR></U>
<I>정보과학회지</I>, 제 27권 제 8호, pp. 67 ~ 73, 2009년 8월</LI>
<LI><U>이동통신망에서의 모바일 IPTV 표준기술 <BR></U>
<I>개방형컴퓨터통신연구회(OSIA) Standards & Technology Review</I>, 2009년 제 2호, pp. 49 ~ 59, 2009년 6월</LI>
<LI><U>A Technique to Enable the Corruption-aware Transport Protocols in Realistic Networks<BR></U>
<I>Telecommunications Review</I>, 제 19권 제 1호, pp. 129 ~ 137, 2009년 2월 (KCI)</LI>
<LI><U>A Cross-layer Approach for Throughput Enhancement in Unsteady Satellite Networks<BR></U>
<I>Telecommunications Review</I>, 제 18권 제 6호, pp. 1089 ~ 1098, 2008년 12월 (KCI)</LI>
<LI><U>미래인터넷 이동성 제어 프레임워크<BR></U>
<I>Telecommunications Review</I>, 제 18권 제 5호, pp. 799 ~ 812, 2008년 10월 (KCI)</LI>
<LI><U>리눅스 환경에서 SCTP와 TCP 프로토콜의 성능 비교<BR></U>
<I>한국통신학회논문지:네트워크및서비스</I>, 제 33권 제 8호, pp. 699 ~ 706, 2008년 8월 (KCI)</LI>
<LI><U>3G-WiBro 망간 수직핸드오버를 위한 mSCTP 기법<BR></U>
<I>정보과학회논문지:정보통신</I>, 제 35권 제 4호, pp. 355 ~ 365, 2008년 8월 (KCI)</LI>
<LI><U>ITU-T FMC 표준화 현황 및 국내 대응방안<BR></U>
<I>Telecommunications Review</I>, 제 18권 제 4호, pp. 583 ~ 592, 2008년 8월 (KCI)</LI>
<LI><U>Standardization on Mobility Management Architectures and Protocols for All-IP Mobile Networks<BR></U>
<I>Telecommunications Review</I>, 제 18권 제 3호, pp. 508 ~ 516, 2008년 6월 (KCI)</LI>
<LI><U>ITU-T NGN-GSI 이동성 관리 표준개발 동향<BR></U>
<I>개방형컴퓨터통신연구회(OSIA) Standards & Technology Review</I>, 2008년 제 1호, pp. 37 ~ 44, 2008년 3월</LI>
<LI><U>CC-SCTP: Chunk Checksum of SCTP for Enhancement of Throughput in Wireless Network Environment<BR></U>
<I>Telecommunications Review</I>, 제 17권 제 4호, pp. 690 ~ 699, 2007년 8월 (KCI)</LI>
<LI><U>ITU-T SG19 이동성 관리기술 표준화 동향<BR></U>
<I>개방형컴퓨터통신연구회(OSIA) Standards & Technology Review</I>, 2007년 제 2호, pp. 13 ~ 26, 2007년 6월</LI>
<LI><U>SCTP 기반 수송계층 이동성 기술<BR></U>
<I>정보과학회 정보통신기술(정보통신연구회)</I>, 제 20권 제 1호, pp. 64 ~ 79, 2007년 5월</LI>
<LI><U>IP 핸드오버: 망기반 기법 versus 종단간 기법<BR></U>
<I>한국통신학회지(정보와통신)</I>, 제 24권 제 4호, pp. 106 ~ 115, 2007년 4월</LI>
<LI><U>ITU-T에서의 B3G 이동성관리 표준 기술 분석<BR></U>
<I>Telecommunications Review</I>, 제 16권 제 3호, pp. 460 ~ 469, 2006년 6월 (KCI)</LI>
<LI><U>멀티홈잉 기반 SCTP 성능 실험 및 비교 분석<BR></U>
<I>정보처리학회논문지</I>, 제 13-C권 제 2호, pp. 235 ~ 240, 2006년 4월 (KCI)</LI>
<LI><U>mSCTP를 이용한 종단간 이동성 지원 방안<BR></U>
<I>정보과학회논문지,</I>제 31권 제 4호, pp. 393 ~ 404, 2004년 8월 (KCI)</LI>
<LI><U>SCTP의 멀티호밍 특성에 대한 성능 평가<BR></U>
<I>정보처리학회논문지,</I> 제11-C권 제2호, pp. 245 ~ 252, 2004년 4월 (KCI)</LI>
<LI><U>ECTP 멀티캐스트 전송 프로토콜 : 구현 및 성능분석<BR></U>
<I>한국통신학회논문지</I>, 제 28권 제 10호, pp. 876 - 890, 2003년 10월 (KCI)</LI>
<LI><U>3G-WLAN 연동기술 동향 <BR></U>
<I>ETRI 전자통신동향분석</I>, 제 18권 4호 (통권 82호), pp. 1 - 10, 2003년 8월</LI>
<LI><U>SCTP 표준기술 분석 및 전망 <BR></U>
<I>ETRI 전자통신동향분석</I>, 제 18권 3호 (통권 81호), pp. 11 - 21, 2003년 6월</LI>
<LI><U>"인터넷 멀티캐스트 현황 및 전망" <BR></U>
<I>주간기술동향</I>, 제 1090호, pp. 1 - 15, 2003년 4월</LI>
<LI><U>IP 멀티캐스트 시장 전망에 대한 고찰 <BR></U>
<I>한국통신학회지(정보통신)</I>, 제 19권 제 10호, pp. 1577 ~ 1590, 2002년 10월</LI>
<LI><U>Subnet Multicast for Delivery of One-to-Many Multicast Applications<BR></U>
<I>Telecommunications Review</I>, 제 12권 제 5호, pp. 770 - 779, 2002년 10월 (KCI)</LI>
<LI><U>인터넷방송을 위한 멀티캐스트 기술 동향 <BR></U>
<I>ETRI 전자통신동향분석</I>, 제 17권 3호 (통권 75호), 2002년 6월</LI>
<LI><U>종단간 서비스품질 표준기술 동향 <BR></U>
<I>주간기술동향</I>, 제 1049호, 2002년 6월</LI>
<LI><U>신뢰적인 멀티캐스트 전송 프로토콜을 위한 Top-Down 기반의 제어 트리 구축 방안<BR> </U>
<I>정보과학회논문지</I>, 제 28권, 4호, pp. 611 - 620, 2001년 12월 (KCI)</LI>
<LI><U>"종단간 멀티캐스트 전송을 위한 ECTP 표준 프로토콜" <BR> </U>
<I>주간기술동향</I>, 제 1016호, 2001년 10월</LI>
<LI><U>"Enhanced Core Based Tree for Many-to-Many IP Multicasting" <BR></U>
<I>Telecommunications Review</I>, 제 11권 제 3호, pp. 485 - 493, 2001년 6월 (KCI)</LI>
<LI><U>"멀티캐스팅 프로토콜의 트리구성에 관한 성능평가 및 분석" <BR></U>
<I>한국통신학회논문지</I>, 제 26권 제 5호, pp. 738 - 744, 2001년 5월 (KCI)</LI>
<LI><U>"인터넷 멀티캐스트 신기술 동향" <BR></U>
<I>ETRI 전자통신동향분석</I>, 제 16권 제 2호, pp. 1-9, 2001년 4월</LI>
<LI><U>"차세대 인터넷 멀티캐스팅 기술 동향" <BR> </U>
<I>한국통신학회지(정보통신)</I>, 제 17권 제 9호, pp. 168-187, 2000년 9월</LI>
<LI><U>"인터넷 멀티캐스트 라우팅 기술 동향"<BR></U>
<I>ETRI 전자통신동향분석</I>, 제 15권 제 3호, pp. 28-41, 2000년 6월</LI>
<LI><U>"멀티캐스트 신뢰전송 기술 및 표준화 동향"<BR> </U>
<I>주간기술동향</I>, 제 944호, pp. 16 - 33, 2000년 5월</LI>
<LI><U>"인터넷 전화 시장 및 표준화 동향" <BR></U>
<I>ETRI 전자통신동향분석</I>, 제15권 2호, pp. 1 - 14, 2000년 4월호</LI>
<LI><U>"액티브 네트워크 구조상에서 공동작업 응용을 위한 성능 향상 기법" <br></U>
<I>한국통신학회논문지 </I>, Vol. 24, No. 12B, pp. 2283 - 2291, 1999년 12월 (KCI)</LI>
<LI><U>"다자간 멀티미디어 응용의 멀티캐스트 통신환경을 위한 통합관리 플랫폼"<br> </U>
<I>한국통신학회논문지 </I>, Vol. 24, No. 12B, pp. 2262 - 2274, 1999년 12월 (KCI)</LI>
<LI><U>"ATM 기반 MPLS 공중망에서의 IP 전송기술" <br> </U>
<I>한국통신학회지(정보통신)</I>, Vol. 16, No. 12, pp. 47 - 58, 1999년 12월</LI>
<LI><U>"공중 ATM 망에서의 IP 전송기술 동향"<br> </U>
<I>주간기술동향</I>, 924호, pp. 15 - 29, 1999년 12월</LI>
<LI><U>"인터넷 멀티캐스트 라우팅 프로토콜 분석" <BR></U>
<I>ETRI 전자통신동향분석</I>, 99년 10월호, pp. 99 - 110, 1999.</LI>
<LI><U>"A Control of Channel Rate for Real-time VBR Video Transmission" <BR></U>
<I>한국경영과학회논문지</I>, 제 24권 제 3호, pp. 63 - 72, 9월, 1999. (KCI)</LI>
<LI><U>"멀티캐스트 전송을 위한 오류제어 기법의 분류", <BR></U>
<I>ETRI 전자통신동향분석</I>, 99년 6월호, pp. 76 - 84, 1999. </LI>
<LI><U>"Design of Survivable Communication Networks with High Connectivity Constraints" <BR></U>
<I>한국경영과학회논문지</I>, Vol. 22, No. 3, pp. 59-80, September, 1997. (KCI)</LI>
<LI><U>"Heuristic Aspects of the Branch and Bound Procedure For a Job Scheduling Problem" <BR></U>
<I>대한산업공학회지</I>, Vol. 18, No. 2, 141-147, 1992. (KCI)</LI></OL>
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<TITLE>International Papers</TITLE>
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<H1 ALIGN="CENTER">International Journals</H1>
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<div style="max-width:1140px; margin-right:auto; margin-left:auto">
<LI><U>"Image Forensics Using Non-Reducing Convolutional Neural Network for Consecutive Dual Operators"<br></U>
<I> Applied Sciences</I>, Vol. 12, Article No. 12147152, pp. 1-18, July 2022 (SCIE)</LI>
<LI><U>"6LoWPAN over Optical Wireless Communications for IPv6 Transport in Internet of Things Networks"<br></U>
<I> IEEE Wireless Communications Letters</I>, Vol. 11, No. 6, pp. 1142-1145, June 2022 (SCIE)</LI>
<LI><U> Intelligent Systems and Networks (Editors)<br></U>
<I> Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems (LNNS)</I>, Vol. 471, International Conferecne on ISN, March 2022 (SCOPUS)</LI>
<LI><U>"AEDCN-Net: Accurate and Efficient Deep Convolutional Neural Network Model for Medical Image Segmentation"<br></U>
<I> IEEE Access</I>, Vol. 9, pp. 154194-154203, November 2021 (SCIE)</LI>
<LI><U>"Proxy-based Adaptive Transmission of MP-QUIC in Internet-of-Things Environment"<br></U>
<I> Electronics</I>, Vol. 10, Article No. 10172175, pp. 1-14, September 2021 (SCIE)</LI>
<LI><U>"Digital Certificate Verification Scheme for Smart Grid Using Fog Computing (FONICA)"<br></U>
<I> Sustainability</I>, Vol. 13, Article No. 13052549, pp. 1-19, February 2021 (SCIE)</LI>
<LI><U>"Framework of IoT Services over Unidirectional Visible Lights Communication Networks"<br></U>
<I> Electronics</I>, Vol. 9, Article No. 9091349, pp. 1-22, September 2020 (SCIE)</LI>
<LI><U>"CoAP-based Streaming Control for IoT Applications"<br></U>
<I> Electronics</I>, Vol. 9, Article No. 9081320, pp. 1-19, August 2020 (SCIE)</LI>
<LI><U>"Agent-based In-Vehicle Infotainment Services in Internet-of-Things Environments"<br></U>
<I> Electronics</I>, Vol. 9, Article No. 9081288, pp. 1-22, August 2020 (SCIE)</LI>
<LI><U>"Mobile Oriented Future Internet (MOFI): Architectural Designs and Experimentations" (Editorial) <br></U>
<I> Electronics</I>, Vol. 9, Article No. 9040682, pp. 1-3, April 2020 (SCIE)</LI>
<LI><U>"Partial Bicasting with Buffering for Proxy Mobile IPv6 Mobility Management in CoAP-Based IoT Networks"<br></U>
<I> Electronics</I>, Vol. 9, Article No. 9040598, pp. 1-13, April 2020 (SCIE)</LI>
<LI><U>"Distributed Identifier-Locator Mapping Management in Mobile ILNP Networks"<br></U>
<I> Electronics</I>, Vol. 9, Article No. 9010058, pp. 1-26, January 2020 (SCIE)</LI>
<LI><U>"Mobile-Oriented Future Internet: Implementation and Experimentations over EU-Korea Testbed"<br></U>
<I> Electronics</I>, Vol. 8, Article No. 8030338, pp. 1-24, March 2019 (SCIE)</LI>
<LI><U>"IoT-Based Resource Control for In-Vehicle Infotainment Services: Design and Experimentation"<br></U>
<I> Sensors</I>, Vol. 19, Article No. s19030620, pp. 1-19, March 2019 (SCIE)</LI>
<LI><U>"CoAP-based group mobility management protocol for the Internet-of-Things in WBAN environment"<br></U>
<I> Future Generation Computer Systems</I>, Vol. 88, pp. 309-318, November 2018 (SCIE)</LI>
<LI><U>"Domain-based Distributed Identifier-Locator Mapping Management in Internet-of-Things Networks"<br></U>
<I> International Journal of Network Management</I>, Vol. 28, Issue 5 (e2035), pp. 1-13, October 2018 (SCIE)</LI>
<LI><U>"Cluster-Based Device Mobility Management in Named Data Networking for Vehicular Networks"<br></U>
<I> Mobile Information Systems</I>, Vol. 2018, pp. 1-7, Open Access Article (Article ID 1710591), August 2018 (SCIE)</LI>
<LI><U>"Device Management and Data Transport in IoT Networks Based on Visible Light Communication"<br></U>
<I> Sensors</I>, Vol. 18, Article No. s18082741, August 2018 (SCIE)</LI>
<LI><U>"Enhanced group communication in constrained application protocol-based Internet-of-things networks"<br></U>
<I> International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks</I>, Vol. 14, Issue 4, pp. 1-14, April 2018 (SCIE)</LI>
<LI><U>"Reliable transmission of visible light communication data in lighting control networks"<br></U>
<I> IET Networks</I>, Vol. 6, Issue 3, pp. 62-68, May 2017 (SCOPUS)</LI>
<LI><U>"Distributed CoAP Handover using Distributed Mobility Agents in Internet-of-Things Networks"<br></U>
<I> Journal of Information and Communication Convergence Engineering</I>, Vol. 15, No. 1, pp. 37-42, March 2017 (SCOPUS & KCI)</LI>
<LI><U>"A hash-based distributed mapping control scheme in mobile locator-identifier separation protocol networks"<br></U>
<I> International Journal of Network Management</I>, Vol. 27, No. 2, pp. 1-13, March 2017 (SCIE)</LI>
<LI><U>"Use of Proxy Mobile IPv6 for Mobility Management in CoAP-based IoT Networks"<br></U>
<I> IEEE Communications Letters</I>, Vol. 20, No. 11, pp. 2284-2287, November 2016 (SCI)</LI>
<LI><U>"Mobility-Aware TAC Configuration in LTE-Based Mobile Communication Systems"<br></U>
<I> Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering</I>, Vol. 393, pp. 295 - 301, August 2016. (SCOPUS)</LI>
<LI><U>"Inter-Domain Mobility Management Based on the Proxy Mobile IP in Mobile Networks"<br></U>
<I> Journal of Information Processing Systems</I>, Vol. 12, No. 2, pp. 196-213, June 2016. (SCOPUS)</LI>
<LI><U>"TRILL-Based Mobile Packet Core Network for 5G Mobile Communication Systems"<br></U>
<I> Wireless Personal Communications</I>, Vol. 87, No. 1, pp. 125-144, March 2016. (SCIE)</LI>
<LI><U>"Distributed Mobility Management in 6LoWPAN-Based Wireless Sensor Networks"<br></U>
<I> International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks</I>, Vol. 11, Issue 10, 12 pages, October 2015. (SCIE)</LI>
<LI><U>"An ID/Locator Separation Based Group Mobility Management in Wireless Body Area Network"<br></U>
<I> Journal of Sensors</I>, Vol. 2015, Open Access Article (Article ID 537205), 12 pages, July 2015. (SCIE)</LI>
<LI><U>"Fast Device Discovery for Remote Device Management in Lighting Control Networks"<br></U>
<I> Journal of Information Processing Systems</I>, Vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 125-133, March 2015. (SCOPUS)</LI>
<LI><U>"TAC Reconfiguration for Paging Optimization in LTE-based Mobile Communication Systems"<br></U>
<I> Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering</I>, Vol. 330, pp. 677 - 682, January 2015. (SCOPUS)</LI>
<LI><U>"Performance Analysis of Distributed Mapping System in ID/Locator Separation Architectures"<br></U>
<I> Journal of Network and Computer Applications</I>, Vol. 39, pp. 223 - 232, March 2014. (SCIE)</LI>
<LI><U>"A Simulation-based Performance Study on Concurrent Multi-path Transmission over Wireless Broad-band Network"<br></U>
<I> Applied Mechanics and Materials</I>, Vol. 513-517, pp. 2228 - 2231, February 2014. (SCOPUS)</LI>
<LI><U>"A Distributed Mobility Control Scheme in LISP Networks"<br></U>
<I> Wireless Networks</I>, Vol. 20, No. 2, pp. 245 - 259, February 2014. (SCI)</LI>
<LI><U>"Distributed Mapping Management of Identifiers and Locators in Mobile-Oriented Internet Environment"<br></U>
<I> International Journal of Communication Systems</I>, Vol. 27, No. 1, pp. 95 - 115, January 2014. (SCIE)</LI>
<LI><U>"OpenFlow-Based Implementations of Distributed ID-LOC Mapping System in Mobile Internet"<br></U>
<I> Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering</I>, Vol. 280, pp. 67 - 75, January 2014. (SCOPUS)</LI>
<LI><U>"Configuration of Tracking Area Code (TAC) for Paging Optimization in Mobile Communication Systems"<br></U>
<I> Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering</I>, Vol. 280, pp. 59 - 66, January 2014. (SCOPUS)</LI>
<LI><U>"Reliable Transmission for Remote Device Management (RDM) Protocol in Lighting Control Networks"<br></U>
<I> Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering</I>, Vol. 280, pp. 51 - 58, January 2014. (SCOPUS)</LI>
<LI><U>"A Network-Based Handover Scheme in HIP-Based Mobile Networks"<br></U>
<I> Journal of Information Processing Systems</I>, Vol. 9, No. 4, pp. 651 - 659, December 2013. (SCOPUS)</LI>
<LI><U>"Distributed Mapping Management of Identifiers and Locators in LISP-based Mobile Networks"<br></U>
<I> Wireless Personal Communications</I>, Vol. 72, No. 1, pp. 565 - 579, September 2013. (SCIE)</LI>
<LI><U>"Mobile Oriented Future Internet (MOFI): Architectural Design and Implementations"<br></U>
<I> ETRI Journal</I>, Vol. 35, No. 4, pp. 666 - 676, August 2013. (SCI)</LI>
<LI><U>"Distributed Mobility Control Schemes in the HIP-based Mobile Networks"<br></U>
<I> ICACT Transactions on Advanced Communications Technology</I>, Vol. 2, Issue 4, pp. 269 - 275, July 2013. (SCOPUS)</LI>
<LI><U>"Network-Based Distributed Mobility Control in Localized Mobile LISP Networks"<br></U>
<I> IEEE Communications Letters</I>, Vol. 16, No. 1, pp. 104 - 107, January 2012. (SCI)</LI>
<LI><U>"Partial Bicasting with Buffering for Proxy Mobile IPv6 Handover in Wireless Networks"<br></U>
<I> Journal of Information Processing Systems</I>, Vol. 7, No. 4, pp. 627 - 634, December 2011. (SCOPUS)</LI>
<LI><U>"Distributed Mobility Control in Proxy Mobile IPv6 Networks"<br></U>
<I> IEICE Transactions on Communications</I>, Vol. E94-B, No. 8, pp. 2216 - 2224, August 2011. (SCI)</LI>
<LI><U>"Adaptive Congestion Control of mSCTP for Vertical Handover Based on Bandwidth Estimation in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks"<br></U>
<I> Wireless Personal Communications</I>, Vol. 57, No. 4, pp. 707 - 725, April 2011. (SCIE)</LI>
<LI><U>"Multicast Handover Agents for Fast Handover in Wireless Multicast Networks"<br></U>
<I> IEEE Communications Letters</I>, Vol. 14, No. 7, pp. 676 - 678, July 2010. (SCI)</LI>
<LI><U>"Fast Selective ACK Scheme for Throughput Enhancement of Multi-Homed SCTP Hosts"<br></U>
<I> IEEE Communications Letters</I>, Vol. 14, No. 6, pp. 587 - 589, June 2010. (SCI)</LI>
<LI><U>"Performance Enhancement of mSCTP for Vertical Handover across Heterogeneous Wireless Networks"<br></U>
<I> International Journal of Communication Systems</I>, Vol. 22, No. 12, pp. 1573 - 1591, December 2009. (SCIE)</LI>
<LI><U>"Corruption-aware Adaptive Increase and Adaptive Decrease Algorithm for TCP Error and Congestion Controls in Wireless Networks"<br></U>
<I> International Journal of Communication Systems</I>, Vol. 22, No. 5, pp. 543 - 564, May 2009. (SCIE)</LI>
<LI><U>"Partial CRC Checksum of SCTP for Error Control over Wireless Networks"<br></U>
<I> Wireless Personal Communications</I>, Vol. 48, No. 2, pp. 247 - 260, January 2009. (SCIE)</LI>
<LI><U>"Analysis of Handover Latency for Mobile IPv6 and mSCTP"<br></U>
<I> Journal of Information Processing Systems</I>, Vol. 4, No. 3, pp. 87 - 96, September 2008. (SCOPUS)</LI>
<LI><U>"mSIP: Extension of SIP for Soft Handover with Bicasting"<br></U>
<I> IEEE Communications Letters</I>, Vol. 12, No. 7, pp. 532 - 534, July 2008. (SCI)</LI>
<LI><U>"Chunk Checksum of SCTP for Throughput Enhancement"<br></U>
<I> IEEE Communications Letters</I>, Vol. 10, No. 11, pp. 796 - 798, November 2006. (SCI)</LI>
<LI><U>"mSCTP-DAC: Dynamic Address Configuration for mSCTP Handover"<br></U>
<I> LNCS 4096</I>, Vol. 4096, pp. 244 - 253, August 2006. (SCOPUS)</LI>
<LI><U>"An Integrated Scheme for Intrusion Detection in WLAN"<br></U>
<I> LNCS 3961</I>, Vol. 3961, pp. 723 - 732, January 2006. (SCOPUS)</LI>
<LI><U>"Analysis of SCTP Handover by Movement Patterns", <BR></U>
<I> LNCS 3645</I>, Vol. 3645, pp. 521 - 529, August 2005. (SCOPUS)</LI>
<LI><U>"Performance Comparison of SCTP and TCP over Linux Platform", <BR></U>
<I> LNCS 3645</I>, Vol. 3645, pp. 396 - 404, August 2005. (SCOPUS)</LI>
<LI><U>"mSCTP for Vertical Handover between Heterogeneous Networks", <BR></U>
<I> LNCS 3597</I>, Vol. 3597, pp. 28 - 36, July 2005. (SCOPUS)</LI>
<LI><U>"Mobility Management Requirements and Framework for Systems Beyond IMT-2000",<BR></U>
<I>Journal of Communications and Networks</I>, Vol. 7, No. 2, pp. 171 - 177, June 2005. (SCI)</LI>
<LI><U>"Transport Layer Mobility Support Utilizing Link Signal Strength Information", <BR></U>
<I> IEICE Transactions on Communications</I>, Vol. E87-B, No. 9, pp. 2548-2556, September 2004. (SCI)</LI>
<LI><U>"Limiting the Length of BET for Tunnel-Based IP Fast Handover", <BR></U>
<I> IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics Communications and Computer Sciences</I>,<BR>
Vol. E87-A, No. 6, pp. 1527 - 1530, June 2004. (SCIE)</LI>
<LI><U>"A Transport Layer Mobility Support Mechanism", <BR></U>
<I> LNCS 3090</I>, Vol. 3090, pp. 287 - 296, May 2004. (SCOPUS)</LI>
<LI><U>"mSCTP for Soft Handover in Transport Layer", <BR></U>
<I> IEEE Communications Letters</I>, Vol. 8, No. 3, pp. 189 - 191, March 2004. (SCI)</LI>
<LI><U>"Framework of Control Protocol for Relayed Multicast", <BR></U>
<I> LNCS 2713</I>, pp. 576 - 581, June 2003. (SCOPUS)</LI>
<LI><U>"A New Delivery Scheme for 1-to-N Multicast Applications", <BR></U>
<I> LNCS 2343</I>, pp. 109 - 118, June 2002. (SCOPUS)</LI>
<LI><U>"A Router Assisting Control Tree Configuration Mechanism for Reliable Multicast", <BR></U>
<I> LNCS 2343</I>, pp. 84 - 93, June 2002. (SCOPUS)</LI>
<LI><U>"Enhanced Communications Transport Protocol for Multicast Transport", <BR></U>
<I> LNCS 2343</I>, pp. 64 - 74, June 2002. (SCOPUS)</LI>
<LI><U>"Configuration of ACK Trees for Multicast Transport Protocols", <BR></U>
<I>ETRI Journal</I>, Vol. 23, No. 3, pp. 111 - 120, September 2001. (SCI)</LI>
<LI><U>"Assignment of ADM Rings and DCS Mesh in Telecommunication Networks", <BR></U>
<I>Journal of the O.R. Society</I>, Vol. 52, No. 4, pp. 440 - 448, April 2001. (SCI)</LI>
<LI><U>"Multicast Delivery Based on Unicast and Subnet Multicast",</U> <BR>
<I>IEEE Communications Letters</I>, Vol. 5, No. 4, pp. 181 - 183, April 2001. (SCI)</LI>
<LI><U>"Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation Scheme for Multiple Real-time VBR Videos over ATM Networks", </U><BR>
<I>Telecommunications Systems</I>, Vol. 15, pp.359 - 380, 2000. (SCIE)</LI>
<LI><U>"Minimizing Cost and Delay in Shared Multicast Trees",</U> <BR>
<I>ETRI Journal</I>, Vol. 22, No. 1, pp.30 - 37, March 2000. (SCI)</LI>
<LI><U>"Non-Core Based Shared Tree Architecture for IP Multicasting",</U> <BR>
<I>Electronics Letters</I>, Vol. 35, No. 11, pp. 872 - 873, May, 1999. (SCI)</LI>
<LI><U>"A Design of the Self-Healing ATM Networks Based on the Backup Virtual Path,"</U><BR>
<I>Computers and Operations Research</I>, Vol. 25, No. 7/8, pp. 595-609, 1998. (SCIE)</LI>
<LI><U>"A Design of the Minimum Cost Ring-Chain Network with Dual-Homing Survivability: Tabu Search Approach" <BR></U>
<I>Computers and Operations Research</I>, Vol. 24, No. 9, pp. 883-897, 1997. (SCIE)</LI>
<LI><U>"A Tabu Search for the Survivable Fiber Optic Communication Network Design," </U><BR>
<I>Computers and Industrial Engineering</I>, vol. 28, No. 4, 689-700, 1995. (SCIE)</LI>
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<H1 ALIGN="CENTER"> Patents</H1>
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<div style="max-width:1140px; margin-right:auto; margin-left:auto">
<LI>제한된 통신 환경에서 브로커 서버를 이용한 스마트 약상자 제어 시스템 및 방법<BR>
발명자: 고석주, 김근수, 김철민, 김경식, 나재욱, 박진호<BR>
출원번호: 2020-0164156 (한국, 2020.11.30)<BR>
등록번호: 2384614 (한국, 2022.4.05)<BR>
<LI>단방향 가시광 통신 환경에서 데이터 전송 신뢰성 개선을 위한 방법 및 이를 이용한 하이브리드
통신 시스템<BR>
발명자: 고석주, 김소용, 최동규, 남혜빈, 정중화, 김창묵<BR>
출원번호: 2020-0164152 (한국, 2020.11.30)<BR>
등록번호: 2420614 (한국, 2022.7.08)<BR>
<LI>사물 인터넷 서비스를 제공하기 위한 QUIC-Proxy를 이용한 데이터 전달 방법 및 장치<BR>
발명자: 고석주, 김소용, 최동규, 남혜빈, 정중화<BR>
출원번호: 2020-0164141 (한국, 2020.11.30)<BR>
등록번호: 2345473 (한국, 2021.12.27)<BR>
<LI>금연구역 관리 서비스 방법 및 시스템<BR>
발명자: 고석주, 이정우, 이용호, 권오상, 정서영, 김경식<BR>
출원번호: 2020-0101365 (한국, 2020.8.12)<BR>
등록번호: 2375686 (한국, 2022.3.14)<BR>
<LI>사물 인터넷 환경에서 CoAP 기반의 데이터 스트리밍 방법 및 통신 시스템<BR>
발명자: 고석주, 정중화, 최동규, 남혜빈, 이채현<BR>
출원번호: 2020-0094058 (한국, 2020.7.28)<BR>
등록번호: 2375703 (한국, 2022.3.14)<BR>
<LI>인공지능 기반 적외선 카메라 센싱 시스템 및 방법<BR>
발명자: 고석주, 홍성기, 김희원, 박명훈, 권민철<BR>
출원번호: 2019-0174964 (한국, 2019.12.26)<BR>
<LI>폭력 행위 관리 시스템 및 방법<BR>
발명자: 고석주, 김동욱, 윤서원, 구영준, 성경화, 경예지<BR>
출원번호: 2019-0122161 (한국, 2019.10.02)<BR>
등록번호: 2264275 (한국, 2021.6.7)<BR>
<LI>차량 인포테인먼트 관리 시스템<BR>
발명자: 고석주, 최동규, 정중화, 남혜빈, 손종명<BR>
출원번호: 2019-0120044 (한국, 2019.9.27)<BR>
등록번호: 2410024 (한국, 2022.6.13)<BR>
<LI>차량 인포테인먼트 마스터 장치 및 이를 포함하는 차량 인포테인먼트 통합 관리 시스템<BR>
발명자: 고석주, 최동규, 정중화, 남혜빈, 신호경<BR>
출원번호: 2019-0059551 (한국, 2019.5.21)<BR>
등록번호: 2251310 (한국, 2021.5.6)<BR>
<LI>CoAP 기반의 센싱 정보 스트리밍 방법<BR>
발명자: 고석주, 최동규, 정중화, 남혜빈<BR>
출원번호: 2018-0168580 (한국, 2018.12.24)<BR>
<LI>이미지에서 기계학습 기법을 활용한 특정 부품영역 탐지 방법<BR>
발명자: 고석주, 김대기, 김동인, 방종원, 우진철, 정중화<BR>
출원번호: 2018-0167974 (한국, 2018.12.21)<BR>
<LI>블록체인 기반의 재정장부 관리 시스템<BR>
발명자: 고석주, 신승민, 서상민, 송동훈, 최효선, 그레고즈 리뼤시치<BR>
출원번호: 2018-0167970 (한국, 2018.12.21)<BR>
<LI>블록체인을 이용한 게임정보 처리 방법<BR>
발명자: 고석주, 정재훈, 서창호, 노경환, 원응호<BR>
출원번호: 2018-0167951 (한국, 2018.12.21)<BR>
<LI>가시광 통신을 이용한 서비스 제공 시스템 및 그 방법<BR>
발명자: 고석주, 김철민, 김소용, 모닙고하르<BR>
출원번호: 2018-0155013 (한국, 2018.12.5)<BR>
<LI>차량 인포테인먼트 시스템<BR>
발명자: 고석주, 최동규, 정중화, 정민우<BR>
출원번호: 2018-0083515 (한국, 2018.7.18)<BR>
<LI>CoAP 기반의 사물인터넷 기술을 이용한 센서 관리 방법 및 이를 이용한 시스템<BR>
발명자: 고석주, 최동규, 정중화, 정민우<BR>
출원번호: 2018-0082485 (한국, 2018.7.16)<BR>
등록번호: 2071974 (한국, 2020.1.23)<BR>
<LI>가시광 통신을 이용한 무선 인터넷 비밀번호 관리 시스템 및 방법<BR>
발명자: 김소용, 김철민, 고석주<BR>
출원번호: 2018-0082463 (한국, 2018.7.16)<BR>
<LI>시각 장애인을 위한 가시광 통신 기반의 교통 신호 전달 시스템 및 방법<BR>
발명자: 권경동, 금동우, 황지영, 채윤창, 김철민, 김소용, 고석주<BR>
출원번호: 2018-0079319 (한국, 2018.7.9)<BR>
<LI>데이터 전달 장치, 방법과 그를 이용한 사물 인터넷 시스템, 데이터 전달 방법을 실행하기 위한 프로그램이<BR>
기록된 기록매체 및 하드웨어와 결합하여 데이터 전달 방법을 실행하기 위하여 매체에 저장된 프로그램<BR>
발명자: 고석주, 최동규, 정중화<BR>
출원번호: 2017-0153908 (한국, 2017.11.17)<BR>
등록번호: 1969652 (한국, 2019.4.10)<BR>
<LI>분산된 게시-구독 기법을 이용한 CoAP 기반 사물 인터넷 시스템의 작동 방법<BR>
발명자: 고석주, 정중화, 최동규<BR>
출원번호: 2017-0153357 (한국, 2017.11.16)<BR>
등록번호: 2031726 (한국, 2019.10.7)<BR>
<LI>비콘 기반 식당 정보 서비스 시스템 및 방법<BR>
발명자: 고석주, 안창준, 김혜경, 송명근, 최예찬, 허동<BR>
출원번호: 2017-0087265 (한국, 2017.7.10)<BR>
<LI>사물 인터넷 네트워크에서의 모바일 단말 이동성 제어 장치 및 방법<BR>
발명자: 고석주, 최상일<BR>
출원번호: 2017-0064039 (한국, 2017.5.24)<BR>
등록번호: 1847081 (한국, 2018.4.3)<BR>
<LI>데이터 전달 장치, 방법 및 그를 이용한 사물인터넷 시스템<BR>
발명자: 고석주, 정중화, 강형우, 최동규<BR>
출원번호: 2016-0175882 (한국, 2016.12.21)<BR>
등록번호: 1972470 (한국, 2019.4.19)<BR>
<LI>저전력 근거리 통신을 이용한 개인 정보 교환 방법 및 시스템, 이를 수행하기 위한 기록매체<BR>
발명자: 고석주, 김지인, 김지희, 김송아, 박지혜, 이승일, 서대화<BR>
출원번호: 2016-0157411 (한국, 2016.11.24)<BR>
등록번호: 1784309 (한국, 2017.9.27)<BR>
<LI>가시광 통신 기기 관리 방법 및 장치 (with 유양디앤유)<BR>
발명자: 김상옥, 유병오, 윤상호, 노승완, 고석주, 최상일 <BR>
출원번호: 2016-0157606 (한국, 2016.11.24)<BR>
<LI>가시광 통신 방법 및 장치 (with 유양디앤유)<BR>
발명자: 김상옥, 유병오, 윤상호, 노승완, 고석주, 최상일 <BR>
출원번호: 2016-0157576 (한국, 2016.11.24)<BR>
<LI>이동 단말 및 관리 서버의 제어 방법<BR>
발명자: 고석주, 최상일 <BR>
출원번호: 2016-0051126 (한국, 2016.4.26)<BR>
등록번호: 1836116 (한국, 2018.3.2)<BR>
<LI>무선 통신을 이용한 범용 안내 서비스 제공 방법 및 시스템<BR>
발명자: 고석주, 장호영, 이종훈, 박찬석, 서민영 <BR>
출원번호: 2016-0013614 (한국, 2016.2.3)<BR>
등록번호: 1716661 (한국, 2017.3.9)<BR>
<LI>디지털 도어락 시스템 및 그 제어 방법<BR>
발명자: 고석주, 권다영, 노혜성, 이수정 <BR>
출원번호: 2015-0163735 (한국, 2015.11.23)<BR>
등록번호: 1814555 (한국, 2017.12.27)<BR>
<LI>무인 지상차량을 이용한 주차차량 관리 시스템<BR>
발명자: 김인한, 권혜련, 이은섭, 고석주<BR>
출원번호: 2015-0008735 (한국, 2015.1.19)<BR>
<LI>ESL 신호를 이용하는 측위 방법, 이를 수행하기 위한 기록 매체, 단말기 및 시스템<BR>
발명자: 고석주, 김지인, 이민형, 김종근, 박지수, 조정근, 이승일, 서대화<BR>
출원번호: 2014-0180037 (한국, 2014.12.15)<BR>
등록번호: 1596320 (한국, 2016.2.16)<BR>
<LI>ESL 신호를 이용하여 위치 기반 서비스를 제공하는 스마트 장치, <BR>
이 장치를 포함하는 스마트 카트 및 ESL 신호를 이용하여 위치 기반 서비스를 제공하는 방법<BR>
발명자: 고석주, 김지인, 이민형, 김종근, 박지수, 조정근, 이승일, 서대화<BR>
출원번호: 2014-0180036 (한국, 2014.12.15)<BR>
<LI>3차원 형상 복원을 위한 볼륨 카빙 장치 및 그 방법<BR>
발명자: 고석주, 하태윤, 서대화, 정귀영, 이상은, 김지인, 김한별<BR>
출원번호: 2014-0167063 (한국, 2014.11.27)<BR>
<LI>립모션 기기를 이용한 수화 번역 시스템 및 그 방법<BR>
발명자: 고석주, 조재현, 서대화, 이동훈, 이상은, 김지인, 하대규<BR>
출원번호: 2014-0166166 (한국, 2014.11.26)<BR>
<LI>립모션 기기의 수화 번역 정확도 향상을 위한 수화 번역 시스템 및 그 방법<BR>
발명자: 고석주, 조재현, 서대화, 이동훈, 이상은, 김지인, 하대규<BR>
출원번호: 2014-0166165 (한국, 2014.11.26)<BR>
<LI>저전력 근거리 통신을 이용한 개인 정보 교환 방법 및 시스템, 이를 수행하기 위한 기록매체<BR>
발명자: 고석주, 김지희, 서대화, 박지혜, 이승일, 김지인, 김송아<BR>
출원번호: 2014-0164802 (한국, 2014.11.24)<BR>
<LI>차량 분산 방법 및 장치, 이를 수행하기 위한 기록매체<BR>
발명자: 고석주, 김지인, 엄진욱, 김민규, 홍석진, 배정규, 서대화<BR>
출원번호: 2014-0161975 (한국, 2014.11.19)<BR>
등록번호: 1612047 (한국, 2016.4.6) <BR>
<LI>신규 액세스 포인트의 위치 인식 방법 및 이를 이용하는 서버<BR>
발명자: 고석주, 김우주, 이민형, 하태윤, 심대섭, 조정근, 강보영, 서대화<BR>
출원번호: 2013-0167207 (한국, 2013.12.30)<BR>
등록번호: 1568365 (한국, 2015.11.5) <BR>
<LI>디바이스 탐색 장치 및 디바이스 탐색 방법<BR>
발명자: 고석주, 이상헌, 최상일<BR>
출원번호: 2013-0140737 (한국, 2013.11.19)<BR>
등록번호: 1405248 (한국, 2015.4.17) <BR>
<LI>오픈플로우 통신 시스템 및 방법<BR>
발명자: 고석주, 김지인, 최낙중<BR>
출원번호: 2013-0140736 (한국, 2013.11.19)<BR>
등록번호: 1525047 (한국, 2015.5.27) <BR>
<LI>이동통신 시스템의 추적 영역 코드 구성 장치 및 방법<BR>
발명자: 고석주, 강형우, 백태산, 강현구<BR>
출원번호: 2013-0140734 (한국, 2013.11.19)<BR>
등록번호: 1538453 (한국, 2015.7.15) <BR>
<LI>프로세스 모니터링과 키보드 잠금을 이용한 프로세스 관리 방법 및 프로세스 관리 장치<BR>
발명자: 고석주, 박진호, 이재휘<BR>
출원번호: 2013-0108587 (한국, 2013.09.10)<BR>
등록번호: 1515493 (한국, 2015.4.21) <BR>
<LI>공유기 탐지 장치 및 공유기 탐지 방법<BR>
발명자: 고석주, 박진호, 김철민<BR>
출원번호: 2013-0091483 (한국, 2013.08.01)<BR>
<LI>호스트 식별 프로토콜 네트워크 환경의 통신 시스템 및 방법<BR>
발명자: 고석주, 최상일<BR>
출원번호: 2012-0154836 (한국, 2012.12.27)<BR>
등록번호: 1405248 (한국, 2014.6.2) <BR>
<LI>액세스 라우터 및 그를 이용한 핸드오버 제어 방법<BR>
발명자: 고석주, 최낙중, 김지인<BR>
출원번호: 2012-0154835 (한국, 2012.12.27)<BR>
등록번호: 1447104 (한국, 2014.9.26) <BR>
<LI>호스트 식별 프로토콜 네트워크 환경의 이동통신 시스템 및 방법<BR>
발명자: 고석주, 김지인, 이상헌<BR>
출원번호: 2012-0146740 (한국, 2012.12.14)<BR>
등록번호: 1459628 (한국, 2014.11.3) <BR>
<LI>라우터의 호스트 위치 관리 방법<BR>
발명자: 고석주, 김지인<BR>
출원번호: 2012-0030058 (한국, 2012.03.23)<BR>
등록번호: 1356721 (한국, 2014.1.20) <BR>
<LI>분산형 구조를 이용한 데이터 통신 방법<BR>
발명자: 고석주, 모닙고하르, 이재경<BR>
출원번호: 2011-0111384 (한국, 2011.10.28)<BR>
등록번호: 1311864 (한국, 2013.09.17) <BR>
<LI>라우터, 그것을 포함하는 통신 네트워크 시스템 및 그것의 이동성 제어 방법<BR>
발명자: 고석주, 최상일<BR>
출원번호: 2011-0107533 (한국, 2011.10.20)<BR>
등록번호: 1329331 (한국, 2013.11.07) <BR>
<LI>모바일 액세스 게이트웨이 및 이를 이용한 이동성 제어 방법<BR>
발명자: 고석주, 김지인<BR>
출원번호: 2011-0057608 (한국, 2011.06.14)<BR>
등록번호: 1223047 (한국, 2013.01.10) <BR>
<LI>멀티홈잉 환경에서 프록시 모바일 인터넷 프로토콜을 사용하는 이동통신 시스템 및 그것의 핸드오버 방법<BR>
발명자: 고석주, 김지인<BR>
출원번호: 2011-0001905 (한국, 2011.01.07)<BR>
등록번호: 1189140 (한국, 2012.10.02) <BR>
<LI>멀티캐스트 방법 및 억세스 게이트웨이<BR>
발명자: 고석주, 모닙고하르, 이재경<BR>
출원번호: 2010-0137897 (한국, 2010.12.29)<BR>
등록번호: 1200407 (한국, 2012.11.06) <BR>
<LI>프록시 모바일 인터넷 프로토콜을 사용하는 이동통신 시스템 및 그것의 핸드오버 방법<BR>
발명자: 고석주, 김지인<BR>
출원번호: 2010-0108058 (한국, 2010.11.02)<BR>
등록번호: 1258238 (한국, 2013.04.19) <BR>
<LI>이동 단말, 통신 네트워크 및 그것의 이동성 제어 방법<BR>
발명자: 고석주, 최상일<BR>
출원번호: 2010-0107701 (한국, 2010.11.01)<BR>
등록번호: 1177354 (한국, 2012.08.21) <BR>
<LI>빠른 핸드오버를 지원하기 위한 이동통신 시스템 및 방법<BR>
발명자: 고석주, 모닙고하르, 박재완<BR>
출원번호: 2010-0039688 (한국, 2010.04.28)<BR>
등록번호: 1091397 (한국, 2011.12.01) <BR>
<LI>이동 단말간 데이터 전송 시스템 및 그 방법<BR>
발명자: 고석주, 권순홍<BR>
출원번호: 2009-0048797 (한국, 2009.06.02)<BR>
등록번호: 1078156 (한국, 2011.10.24) <BR>
<LI>프록시 모바일 IPv6망내 이동단말간 통신 경로 최적화 시스템 및 그 방법<BR>
발명자: 고석주, 김지인<BR>
출원번호: 2009-0048796 (한국, 2009.06.02)<BR>
국제(PCT)출원번호: PCT/KR2009/004942 (PCT출원일: 2009.09.02)<BR>
<LI>이종 무선망간 수직 핸드오버를 위한 이동 SCTP의 적응적 혼잡 제어 방법 및 장치<BR>
발명자: 고석주, 김동필<BR>
출원번호: 2009-0013072 (한국, 2009.02.17)<BR>
등록번호: 1048251 (한국, 2011.07.04) <BR>
<LI>서비스 품질 향상을 위한 PR-SCTP 기반 실시간 멀티미디어 데이터 전송 방법<BR>
발명자: 고석주, 김상태<BR>
출원번호: 2008-0135342 (한국, 2008.12.29)<BR>
등록번호: 1040780 (한국, 2011.06.03) <BR>
<LI>이종 무선망간의 수직적 핸드오버를 위한 데이터 전송 방법 및 장치<BR>
발명자: 고석주, 김동필<BR>
출원번호: 2008-0083995 (한국, 2008.08.27)<BR>
등록번호: 0980592 (한국, 2010.08.31) <BR>
<LI>무선통신용 멀티캐스트 핸드오버 방법<BR>
발명자: 고석주, 박재성<BR>
출원번호: 2008-0077918 (한국, 2008.08.08)<BR>
<LI>무선 인터넷 망에서의 바이캐스팅을 이용한 SIP 핸드오버 방법 및 이동 단말<BR>
발명자: 고석주, 이동화<BR>
출원번호: 2008-0052456 (한국, 2008.06.04)<BR>
등록번호: 0987555 (한국, 2010.10.06) <BR>
<LI>무선 인터넷 환경에서의 바이캐스팅 기반 SCTP 핸드오버 방법 및 이동 단말<BR>
발명자: 고석주, 권순홍, 김동필<BR>
출원번호: 2008-0049203 (한국, 2008.05.27)<BR>
등록번호: 0980582 (한국, 2010.08.31) <BR>
<LI>Proxy MIP 기반 무선 인터넷 망에서의 바이캐스팅을 이용한 핸드오버 방법 및 장치<BR>
발명자: 고석주, 김지인<BR>
출원번호: 2008-0049153 (한국, 2008.05.27)<BR>
<LI>윈도우 기반의 이동 단말에서 SCTPLIB를 이용한 mSCTP 핸드오버 방법<BR>
발명자: 김용진, 고석주, 이동화, 김상태<BR>
출원번호: 2007-0139730 (한국, 2007.12.28)<BR>
<LI>전송 처리율 향상을 위한 SCTP 우선경로 설정 방법<BR>
발명자: 고석주, 주수경<BR>
출원번호: 2007-0102031 (한국, 2007.10.10) <BR>
<LI>무선 네트워크에서 패킷의 손상정보를 사용하는 TCP 혼잡제어 방법<BR>
발명자: 고석주, 최린, 이동화, 김용진<BR>
출원번호: 2007-0061209 (한국, 2007.06.21) <BR>
등록번호: 0870619 (한국, 2008.11.19) <BR>
<LI>이동 단말의 SCTP 핸드오버와 모바일 아이피의 연동 장치 및 그 방법<BR>
발명자: 고석주, 김동필<BR>
출원번호: 2007-0050648 (한국, 2007.05.25) <BR>
등록번호: 0880112 (한국, 2009.01.15) <BR>
<LI>청크첵섬을 사용하는 무선 인터넷 에스씨티피 송수신 시스템 및 방법<BR>
발명자: 김용진, 정종일, 고석주<BR>
출원번호: 2006-0117121 (한국, 2006.11.24) <BR>
등록번호: 0780921 (한국, 2007.11.23) <BR>
<LI>데이터 링크계층의 링크 정보를 이용하여 핸드오버를 수행하는 단말장치<BR>
발명자: 고석주, 김동필<BR>
출원번호: 2005-0110213 (한국, 2005.11.17) <BR>
등록번호: 0685740 (한국, 2007.02.15) <BR>
<LI>SCTP 기반의 핸드오버 기능을 구비한 단말장치 및 핸드오버 방법<BR>
발명자: 고석주, 김동필<BR>
출원번호: 2005-0045096 (한국, 2005.05.27) <BR>
등록번호: 0677591 (한국, 2007.01.26) <BR>
Terminal Having SCTP-Based Handover Function and SCTP-Based Handover Method of the Terminal<BR>
출원번호: US 11-915457 (미국, 2007.11.26) <BR>
등록번호: US 8,644,248 (미국, 2014.2.4) <BR>
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<LI><a href="tech/ISL-TR-21-02-NSP.pdf">네트워크 소켓 프로그래밍
<LI><a href="tech/ISL-TR-21-01-IoT.pdf">사물 인터넷 통신 프로토콜
<LI><a href="tech/ISL-TR-20-05-IoT.pdf">사물 인터넷 기술 동향
<LI><a href="tech/ISL-TR-20-04-vmware.pdf">VMware 기반 네트웍 프로그래밍 환경 구축
<LI><a href="tech/ISL-TR-20-03-WSL.pdf">Window Subsystem for Linux (WSL) 설치 및 사용법
<LI><a href="tech/ISL-TR-20-02-wireshark.pdf">Wireshark 설치 및 기본 사용법
<LI><a href="tech/ISL-TR-20-01-wireshark.pdf">Packet Analysis: PING, HTTP, DNS
<LI><a href="tech/ISL-TR-19-03-IVI.pdf">IoT 기반 IVI 서비스
<LI><a href="tech/ISL-TR-19-02-VLC.pdf">IoT 기반 VLC 서비스
<LI><a href="tech/ISL-TR-19-01-IoT.pdf">IoT Tutorial (ISL-TR-19-01)</A><br><br>
<LI><a href="tech/CPL-TR-18-02-OCF2018Fall.pdf">OCF 표준화 동향
<LI><a href="tech/CPL-TR-18-01-OM2MCoAP.pdf">OM2M Release 2 오픈 소스 설치 가이드 및 예제
<LI><a href="tech/CPL-TR-17-01-CoAP-Observe.pdf">CoAP Observe: 예제 및 활용
Attachment: <a href="tech/">CoAP Observe 예제
<LI><a href="tech/CPL-TR-16-02-MQTT.pdf">MQTT 설치 및 실행 가이드
Attachment: <a href="tech/">MQTT 설치 관련 예제
<LI><a href="tech/CPL-TR-16-01-6LoWPAN.pdf">IoT 플랫폼 환경의 BLE 디바이스에서 6LoWPAN을 활용한
IP 통신 방법
<LI><a href="tech/CPL-TR-15-05-TAS.pdf">OneM2M 디바이스(&Cube) 플랫폼: TAS 설치 및 실행 가이드
Attachment: <a href="tech/">TAS 설치 관련 소스
<LI><a href="tech/CPL-TR-15-04-nCube.pdf">oneM2M 기반의 디바이스 플랫폼: &Cube 설치 및 실행 가이드
<LI><a href="tech/CPL-TR-15-03-Mobius.pdf">oneM2M 기반의 서버 플랫폼: OpenMobius 설치 및 실행
<LI><a href="tech/CPL-TR-15-02-OHP-M2M.pdf">OM2M 기반의 OHP-M2M 오픈소스 설치 가이드
<LI><a href="tech/CPL-TR-15-01-NetEM.pdf">Network Emulator 사용 가이드
<LI><a href="tech/CPL-TR-14-06-Physical-Web.pdf">Google's Physical Web 사용 가이드
<LI><a href="tech/CPL-TR-14-05-CoAP.pdf">자바 기반 CoAP 설치 가이드
<LI><a href="tech/CPL-TR-14-04-CoAP.pdf">C언어 기반 CoAP 프로토콜 코드의 설치 및 실행 방법
<LI><a href="tech/CPL-TR-14-03-OM2M.pdf">OM2M 오픈 소스 설치 가이드
<LI><a href="tech/CPL-TR-14-02-VLC.pdf">조명 네트워크 기반 VLC 통합 서비스 구조
<LI><a href="tech/CPL-TR-14-01-MOFI-OVS.pdf">
Implementation of Mobile-Oriented Future Internet (MOFI) using
Openflow Virtual Switch
Click Router
<LI><a href="tech/CPL-TR-13-05-D2D.pdf">Device-to-Device (D2D) 기술 동향
<LI><a href="tech/CPL-TR-13-04-NFV.pdf">Network Function Virtualization 기술 동향
<LI><a href="tech/CPL-TR-13-03-Cloud.pdf">
클라우드 컴퓨팅 서비스 침해사례 분석 및 정보보안 기술 동향 (CPL-TR-13-03)</A><br><br>
<LI><a href="tech/CPL-TR-13-02-SDN.pdf">SDN 기술 동향 (CPL-TR-13-02)</A><br><br>
<LI><a href="tech/CPL-TR-13-01-CCN.pdf">Contents Centric Networking 개요
<LI><a href="tech/CPL-TR-12-04-MOFI-6to4.pdf">MOFI Implementation using 6-to-4
Tunnel and
<LI><a href="tech/CPL-TR-12-03-DMM.pdf">분산형 이동성 관리 표준기술 동향
<LI><a href="tech/CPL-TR-12-02-HIP.pdf">새로운 망계층 프로토콜이 성공하지 못하는 이유
<LI><a href="tech/CPL-TR-12-01-memo.pdf">Memorandum (CPL-TR-12-01)</A><br><br>
<LI><a href="tech/CPL-TR-11-05-FIF.pdf">미래 인터넷을 위한 분산형 이동성 제어 기술
[FIF Newletter 8호, 2011-10-10]</A><br><br>
<LI><a href="tech/CPL-TR-11-04-TTA.pdf">
미래 네트워크 관련 최초 국제표준문서(ISO/IEC 29181-1) 작업 완료
<a href="">
[TTA ICT Standard Weekly, No. 1053, 2011-08-08]</A><br><br>
<LI><a href="tech/CPL-TR-11-03-TTA.pdf">대용량 모바일 트래픽의 분산 처리를 위한 이동성 제어 기술
<a href="">
[TTA ICT Standard Weekly, No. 1012, 2011-03-14]</A><br><br>
<LI><a href="tech/CPL-TR-11-02-rfc6115.html">IETF RFC 6115: Recommendation for a
Architecture (CPL-TR-11-02)</A><br><br>
<LI><a href="tech/CPL-TR-11-01-NS3.pdf">NS-3 Tutorial, Manual, Testing Documents
<LI><a href="tech/CPL-TR-10-02-MCP-10.pdf">Mobility Control Protocol for MOFI
<LI><a href="tech/CPL-TR-10-01-MOFI-12.pdf">Mobile Oriented Future Internet
(MOFI): Architetcure
Protocols, Version 1.2 (CPL-TR-10-01)</A><br><br>
<LI><a href="tech/CPL-TR-09-12-IETF-ID.pdf">IETF Internet Draft 작성방법
<LI><a href="tech/CPL-TR-09-11-MOFI.pdf">Mobile Optimized Future Internet
(MOFI): Architecture
<LI><a href="tech/">Survey on Future Internet: LISP,
<LI><a href="tech/CPL-TR-09-09-CPL.pdf">Introduction to CPL: June 2009
<LI><a href="tech/CPL-TR-09-08-mIPTV.pdf">Mobile IPTV 표준기술 동향
<LI><a href="tech/CPL-TR-09-07-mip.ppt">Mobile IP and Its Variants: Basics
(Note) This is an introductory material on Mobile IP and its variants.
<LI><a href="tech/">IP Multicast: Basics
(Note) This is an introductory material on IP Multicasting.<br><br>
<LI><a href="tech/CPL-TR-09-05-mIPTV-multicast.ppt">Mobile IPTV/Multicast
(Note) This is an updated version of CPL-TR-07-07.<br><br>
<LI><a href="tech/CPL-TR-09-04-WPD.pdf">웹 프로그래밍 설계(CPL-TR-09-04)</A><br><br>
(Note) 본 문서는 "인터넷 프로그래밍 설계" 과목의 교재입니다.<br><br>
<LI><a href="tech/CPL-TR-09-03-LNP.pdf">리눅스 네트웍 프로그래밍 (CPL-TR-09-03)</A><br><br>
Attachment: <a href="tech/CPL-TR-09-03-LNP-guide.pdf">LNP 환경구축
<LI><a href="tech/CPL-TR-09-02-mobile-simulators.pdf">모바일 무선인터넷 시뮬레이터 설치 가이드
<LI><a href="tech/CPL-TR-09-01-IETF-mobility.pdf">IETF 이동성 표준기술 동향
<LI><a href="tech/CPL-TR-08-07-wireshark.pdf">Protocol Analyzer: Wireshark 설치
<LI><a href="tech/">ISO/IEC JTC1: Directives -
Part 2 (표준문서 구조
작성방법) (CPL-TR-08-06)</A><br><br>
<LI><a href="tech/CPL-TR-08-05-mmcp.pdf">MMCP: Implementation and
Attachment: <a href="tech/CPL-TR-08-05-mmcp.tar.bz2">Source Codes for
MMCP over
<LI><a href="tech/CPL-TR-08-04-asconf.pdf">NS-2에서의 mSCTP ASCONF 패치 안내서
Attachment: <a href="tech/">Source Codes for
<LI><a href="tech/CPL-TR-08-03-firefox.pdf">
Firefox 웹 브라우저와 Web Developer 확장 기능 사용법
<LI><a href="tech/CPL-TR-08-02-ITU-MM.pdf">ITU-T NGN-GSI 이동성관리 표준개발 현황
<LI><a href="tech/CPL-TR-08-01-shim6.pdf">SHIM6: 인터넷 주소의 Identifier/Locator 분리
<LI><a href="tech/CPL-TR-07-11-sctplib-msctp.pdf">SCTPLIB 기반 mSCTP 핸드오버 설계서
<LI><a href="tech/CPL-TR-07-10-sctplib.pdf">SCTPLIB 코드분석: Revised
<LI><a href="tech/CPL-TR-07-09-mobiwan.hwp">NS-2 & Mobiwan 설치 가이드
<LI><a href="tech/CPL-TR-07-08-mSCTP-HSS.pdf">mSCTP-HSS: mSCTP Handover
Supporting System
Attachment: <a href="tech/">Source Codes for
<LI><a href="tech/CPL-TR-07-07-mIPTV.ppt">Mobile IPTV 전송기술
<LI><a href="tech/">ITU-T SG19 이동성 관리기술 표준화 동향
<LI><a href="tech/CPL-TR-07-05-itu.pdf">ITU-T 국제표준화절차 (CPL-TR-07-05)</a><br><br>
<LI><a href="tech/CPL-TR-07-04-itu-mm.pdf">ITU-T 이동성관리 표준화 동향
<LI><a href="tech/CPL-TR-07-03-msctp.pdf">SCTP for Vertical Handover
<LI><a href="tech/CPL-TR-07-02-jtc1sc6.pdf">ISO/IEC JTC1 국제표준화추진방법
<LI><a href="tech/CPL-TR-07-01-eSHOP.pdf">eSHOP: end-to-end Soft Handover
<LI><a href="tech/CPL-TR-06-08-ECTP3.pdf">ECTP-3: Implementation and
Attachment: <a href="tech/">Source Codes for
<LI><a href="tech/">NGN 이동성관리 표준기술 동향분석
<LI><a href="tech/CPL-TR-06-06-IETF.pdf">IETF 66차 회의 참가보고서
<LI><a href="tech/CPL-TR-06-05-BCMCS.pdf">3GPP2/BCMCS 개요
<LI><a href="tech/CPL-TR-06-04-MBMS.pdf">3GPP/MBMS 개요 (CPL-TR-06-04)</a><br><br>
<LI><a href="tech/CPL-TR-06-03.pdf">VoD over SCTP/IPv6
Attachment: <a href="tech/">Source Codes
<LI><a href="tech/CPL-TR-06-02.pdf">SCTPLIB 분석 (CPL-TR-06-02)</a><br><br>
Attachment: <a href="tech/">Sample Codes for
<LI><a href="tech/CPL-TR-06-01.pdf">대화형(Interactive) TV: TV로 옷을 사고, TV로 옷을 보낸다
<LI><a href="tech/">DMB 개요 및 현황 (CPL-TR-05-10)</a><br><br>
<LI><a href="tech/CPL-TR-05-09.pdf">NISTNET 설치시 Routing Table 설정 고려사항
<LI><a href="tech/CPL-TR-05-08.pdf">B3G 이동성관리 표준화: 현황 및 이슈
<LI><a href="tech/CPL-TR-05-07.pdf">DCCP Overview (CPL-TR-05-07)</a><br><br>
<LI><a href="tech/CPL-TR-05-06.pdf">NISTNET: A Network Emulator for Protocol
<LI><a href="tech/CPL-TR-05-05.pdf">WWW over SCTP: 설치 및 실험
<LI><a href="tech/">VoD over SCTP: 설치 및 실험
<LI><a href="tech/CPL-TR-05-03.pdf">JTC1/SC6 체험수기: 국제표준(IS)을 향하여
<LI><a href="tech/CPL-TR-05-02.pdf">리눅스 기반 SCTP & TCP 성능 비교 분석
<LI><a href="tech/CPL-TR-05-01.pdf">SCTP 핸드오버 실험 분석 (CPL-TR-05-01)</a><br><br>
<LI><a href="tech/CPL-TR-04-03.pdf">IETF RFC를 향하여 (CPL-TR-04-03)</a><br><br>
<LI><a href="tech/CPL-TR-04-02.pdf">SCTP 표준기술 동향 (CPL-TR-04-02)</a><br><br>
<LI><a href="tech/CPL-TR-04-01.pdf">Mobile SCTP for IP Mobility Support
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<TITLE>Homepage of Seok-Joo Koh</TITLE>
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<H1 ALIGN="CENTER">Seok-Joo Koh</H1>
Welcome to My Personal Web Page !!<BR>
<A HREF="">School of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE)</A><BR>
<A HREF="">College of IT Engineering (CITE)</A><BR>
<A HREF="">Kyungpook National University (KNU)</A><BR>
- KAIST, Management Science, B. S., 1992. 2. <br>
- KAIST, Management Science, M. S., 1994. 2.<br>
- KAIST, Industrial Engineering, Ph. D., 1998. 8.<br>
<LI> 2015. 12 - Present <BR>
Director <BR>
Software Education Institute (SWEDU)<BR>
Kyungpook National University (KNU) <BR></LI><P>
<LI> 2004. 3 - Present <BR>
Professor <BR>
School of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE)<BR>
College of IT Engineering (CITE)<BR>
Kyungpook National University (KNU) <BR></LI><P>
<LI> 1999. 1 - Present <BR>
International Standardization Expert: Project Editor <BR>
- ITU-T SG13: Mobility Management (1999 ~ 2015) <BR>
- JTC1 SC6: Reliable/Mobile Multicasting (2000 ~ 2020) <BR>
- ITU-T SG20: VLC-based IoT (2018 ~ 2020) <BR>
- IEC TC100/TA17: IVI (2018 ~ Present) <BR>
- IEC TC100/WG11(Convenor): QoE (2022.2 ~ Present) <BR>
- JTC1 SC41: IoT (2020 ~ Present) <BR>
- TTA PG425: Optical Wireless Comm. (2012~ Present) <BR>
<LI> 1998. 8 - 2004. 2 <BR>
Senior Researcher <BR>
Protocol Engineering Center (PEC) <BR>
Electronics Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI)
- KIISE(Korean Institute of Information Scientists and Engineers)<br>
- KIPS(Korea Information Processing Society)<br>
- KICS(Korea Information and Communications Society)<br>
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<H1 ALIGN="CENTER">International Standardization</H1>
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<div style="max-width:1140px; margin-right:auto; margin-left:auto">
<H3>IEC TC100 (Multimedia Systems and Equipment)</H3>
o WG11(Convenor): User's QoE for Multimedia Conference Services (IEC 63478) <BR>
<LI> "User's QoE for Multimedia Conference Services - Part 1: General"</LI><BR>
--> IEC TR 63478-1 (CD, Februrary 2023) <BR></A><BR>
<LI> "User's QoE for Multimedia Conference Services - Part 2: Requirments"</LI><BR>
--> IEC 63478-2 (PWI, January 2023) <BR></A><BR>
<LI> "User's QoE for Multimedia Conference Services - Part 3: Measurement Methods"</LI><BR>
--> IEC 63478-2 (PWI, January 2023) <BR></A><BR>
o TA17: Infotainment Services for Public Vehicles (PVIS, IEC 63479)<BR>
<LI> "Infotainment Services for Public Vehicles (PVIS) - Part 1: General"</LI><BR>
--> IEC TR 63479-1 (CD, Februrary 2023) <BR></A><BR>
<LI> "Infotainment Services for Public Vehicles (PVIS) - Part 2: Requirements"</LI><BR>
--> IEC 63479-2 (PWI, January 2023) <BR></A><BR>
<LI> "Infotainment Services for Public Vehicles (PVIS) - Part 3: Framework"</LI><BR>
--> IEC 63479-3 (PWI, January 2023) <BR></A><BR>
o TA17: Configurable Car Infotainment Services (CCIS, IEC 63246)<BR>
<LI> TA17: "Configurable Car Infotainment Services (CCIS) - Part 1: General"</LI><BR>
--> IEC 63246-1 (IS, August 2021) <BR></A><BR>
<LI> TA17: "Configurable Car Infotainment Services (CCIS) - Part 2: Requirements"</LI><BR>
--> IEC 63246-2 (IS, January 2022) <BR></A><BR>
<LI> TA17: "Configurable Car Infotainment Services (CCIS) - Part 3: Framework"</LI><BR>
--> IEC 63246-3 (IS, January 2022) <BR></A><BR>
<LI> TA17: "Configurable Car Infotainment Services (CCIS) - Part 4: Protocol"</LI><BR>
--> IEC 63246-4 (TR, December 2022) <BR></A><BR>
<H3>ITU-T SG20/Q.4 (IoT Services based on VLC)</H3>
<LI> "Framework of IoT Services based on Visible Light Communications (VLC)"</LI><BR>
--> ITU-T Recommendation Y.4465 (January 2020) <BR></A><BR>
<LI> "Functional Architecture for IoT Services based on VLC"</LI><BR>
--> ITU-T Recommendation Y.4474 (August 2020) <BR></A><BR>
<H3>TTA/PG425 (가시광 통신 기반 사물인터넷 서비스)</H3>
<LI> "가시광 통신 기반 사물인터넷 서비스 - 제 1 부: 네트워크 모델 및 요구사항"</LI><BR>
--> TTAK.KO-10.1158-part1 (2019년 12월) <BR></A><BR>
<LI> "가시광 통신 기반 사물인터넷 서비스 - 제 2 부: 프레임워크"</LI><BR>
--> TTAK.KO-10.1158-part2 (2020년 12월) <BR></A><BR>
<LI> "가시광 통신 기반 사물인터넷 서비스 - 제 3 부: 프로토콜"</LI><BR>
--> TTAK.KO-10.1158-part3 (2020년 12월) <BR></A><BR>
<LI> "고속 실내용 광 무선통신 트랜시버 – 시스템 구조, 물리 계층 및 데이터 링크 계층 명세 (ITU-T G.9991)"</LI><BR>
--> TTAE.IT-G.9991 (2020년 12월) <BR></A><BR>
<LI> "실내용 광 카메라 통신 트랜시버 – 시스템 구조, 물리 계층 및 데이터
계층 명세 (ITU-T G.9992)"</LI><BR>
--> TTAE.IT-G.9992 (2020년 12월) <BR></A><BR>
<H3>ITU-T SG13 (Mobility Management)</H3>
<LI>NNI Mobility Management Requirements for SBI2K</LI><BR>
--> ITU-T Supplement to Recommendation Q.Sup52</A><BR><BR>
<LI> Mobility Management Requirements for Next-Generation Networks</LI><BR>
--> ITU-T Recommendation Q.1706/Y.2801</A><BR><BR>
<LI>Framework of IPv6 Multi-homing for NGN</LI><BR>
--> ITU-T Recommendation Y.2052</A><BR><BR>
<LI> Generic Framework of Mobility Management for Next-Generation Networks</LI><BR>
--> ITU-T Recommendation Q.1707/Y.2804</A><BR><BR>
<LI>Framework of Location Management for Next-Generation Networks</LI><BR>
--> ITU-T Recommendation Q.1708/Y.2805</A><BR><BR>
<LI>Framework of Handover Control for Next-Generation Networks</LI><BR>
-->ITU-T Recommendation Q.1709/Y.2806</A><BR><BR>
<LI>Framework of Mobility Management in Service Stratum for NGN</LI><BR>
--> ITU-T Recommendation Y.2809</A><BR><BR>
<H3>ISO/IEC JTC1/SC6/WG7 (Network and Transport)</H3>
o Enhanced Communication Transport Protocol (ECTP): ISO/IEC 14476<BR><BR>
<LI> "ECTP-1: Specification of Simplex Multicast Transport"</LI><BR>
--> ITU-T Recommendation X.606 (October 2001) <BR></A>
--> ISO/IEC IS 14476-1 (April 2002)</A><BR><BR>
<LI> "ECTP-2: Specification of QoS Management for Simplex Multicast Transport"</LI><BR>
--> ITU-T Recommendation X.606.1 (February 2003) <BR></A>
--> ISO/IEC IS 14476-2 (June 2003)<BR><BR>
<LI> "ECTP-3: Specification of Duplex Multicast Transport"</LI><BR>
--> ITU-T Recommendation X.607 (February 2007) <BR></A>
--> ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 6 IS 14476-3 (August 2008)<A><BR><BR>
<LI> "ECTP-4: Specification of QoS Management for Duplex Multicast Transport"</LI><BR>
--> ITU-T Recommendation X.607.1 (November 2008)<BR></A>
--> ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 6 IS 14476-4 (April 2010)<BR><BR>
<LI> "ECTP-5: Specification of N-plex Multicast Transport"</LI><BR>
--> ITU-T Recommendation X.608 (February 2007) <BR></A>
--> ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 6 IS 14476-5 (August 2008)<BR><BR>
<LI> "ECTP-6: Specification of QoS Management for N-plex Multicast Transport"</LI><BR>
--> ITU-T Recommendation X.608.1 (November 2008)<BR></A>
--> ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 6 IS 14476-6 (April 2010)<BR><BR><BR>
o Relayed Multicast Protocol (RMCP): ISO/IEC 16512
<LI> "RMCP-1: Framework" </LI><BR>
--> ITU-T Recommendation X.603 (April 2004) <BR></A>
--> ISO/IEC IS 16512-1 (2005)<BR><BR>
<LI> "RMCP-2: Specification of Simplex Group Applications" </LI><BR>
--> ITU-T Recommendation X.603.1 (February 2007) <BR></A>
--> ISO/IEC IS 16512-2 (2011)<BR><BR>
<LI> "RMCP-3: Specification of N-plex Group Applications" </LI><BR>
--> ITU-T Recommendation X.603.2 (September 2010)<BR></A>
o Mobile Multicast Communications (MMC): ISO/IEC 24793
<LI>"MMC-1: MMC Framework" </LI><BR>
--> ITU-T Recommendation X.604 (March 2010)<BR></A>
--> ISO/IEC JTC1/SC6 IS 24793-1 (January 2011)<BR><BR></A>
<LI>"MMC-2: MMC Protocol over Native IP Multicast Networks"</LI><BR>
--> ITU-T Recommendation X.604.1 (March 2010)<BR></A>
--> ISO/IEC JTC1/SC6 IS 24793-2 (January 2011)<BR><BR></A>
<LI>"MMC-3: MMC Protocol over Overlay Multicast Networks"</LI><BR>
--> ITU-T Recommendation X.604.2 (September 2010)<BR></A>
o Future Network: Problem Statement and Requirements (FN-PSR): ISO/IEC TR 29181
<LI> "29181-4: Mobility" </LI><BR>
--> TR 29181-4 (October 2013)<BR></A><BR>
<H3>IETF (IP Mobility)</H3>
<LI>Requirements for distributed mobility management (August 2014),
IETF RFC 7333</A></LI><BR><BR>
<LI>Mobile SCTP (mSCTP) for IP Handover Support (October 2005),